Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Afkeer van Links??

Op 30 december 2023 publiceerde de Volkskrant een artikel dat eindelijk weer eens inspiratie bij mij bracht: Zuur, hypocriet, drammerig: waar komt die afkeer van links vandaan? Ik herken dat gevoel zeker bij anderen, maar niet bij mijzelf. Ik vind Links slechts irritant door hun voortdurende arrogantie. Voor mij is Links een manier om mijn eigen wereldbeeld in...

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Expectations vs Hope

There's often a thin line between expectations and hope. Sometimes, you even wonder if there's a difference. I suppose the main difference is time. Hope does not have a timeframe; expectations usually do. Both assume that something will happen. The degree of certainty varies significantly. A recent Aeon article suggests that there is another difference: When hope is...

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Do we have good reasons to believe in beliefs?

Recently, I noticed this strange question above in an Aeon-Psyche article: Do we have good reasons to believe in beliefs? A radical philosophy of mind says no. Last Saturday, a new friend said the following: "Believing is in the nature of mankind; it's a clear feeling. You're almost born with it." I couldn't agree more with what he said. It was in a slightly...

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Why do we believe in Fate?

The words Faith and Fate feel quite similar, semantically. I doubt that's a coincidence. In Dutch, the word Fate is ”het Lot” (eg, lottery ticket). It's fair to state that Fate refers to a slim chance on a considerable outcome, both negative (eg, accident) and positive (eg, lucky number). Hence, the Dutch word "het Lot". Faith refers to believing (eg, in a deity,...

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Humans are creating chaos and order. Order wins.

Humans are creating chaos (eg, pollution, wars) and order (eg, infrastructure, legal system). Nevertheless, our ordering appears to be the winning default. Both chaos and order may result from human beliefs (eg, the 7 Belief systems - 2015 original and 2019 update). Human beliefs result from our consciousness. My blog's title is a thought that entered my mind while...

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The more complexity in our world, the more simplicity in our worldview

When I showed the draft version of yesterday's blog to my friends, I got a question whether today's blog title refers to extreme-right people. No, it did and does not. That thought didn't even cross my mind while writing. Today's blog title refers to all of us. The level of simplicity will indeed vary. Some will apply more simplicity than others. That is,...

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