Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Collectieve intelligentie als verschil?

Eind 2024 publiceerde theoretisch natuurkundige Avi Loeb een interessant artikel dat mij al jarenlang bezighoudt: Is de mensheid het hoogtepunt? Een kosmisch perspectief op intelligentie en overleven. De voortgang in mijn denken wordt gevisualiseerd door onderstaande diagrammen uit 2018 en 2022: Bron: mijn 2018 blog Bron: mijn 2022 blog De collectieve ontwikkeling...

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Did ignorance beat arrogance?

"Ignorance is bliss", according to an 18th-century poem by Thomas Gray. Listening to ignorance can be quite funny, unlike arrogance. Hence, I wonder if the ignorance of the conservative-right has beaten the arrogance of the liberal-left on November 5. To some extent, the same is happening in Europe. The arrogance of the liberal-left manifests itself in topics like...

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Soms is er gewoon geen oplossing

Ik geloof in oplossingen en denk er eigenlijk altijd, en lang, over na. Deze blog is lastig want soms is er gewoon geen oplossing. Deze gedachte kwam recent naar boven drijven. Met woorden probeer ik hier nu een denkpiste te vinden. De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Autisme (NVA) adviseert trouwens een nogal interessante oplossing: “Soms kun je een probleem het beste...

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Wisdom is a virtue, but how do we judge if someone has it? (Psyche)

Intro LO: While reading this Aeon - Psyche article, the Big Bang Theory TV characters of Dr Sheldon Cooper and Dr Leonard Hofstadter came to my mind, as an example of the “reflective aspect of wisdom“ and the “socio-emotional dimension of wisdom” (respectively). Alone, Sheldon highlights “the quality of being very unpleasant or rude” a.k.a. obnoxiousness, while...

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Wealth is a poor metric for wisdom

My blog title is borrowed from a recent PS article that caught my interest. Wealth has always been a metric for Power. It’s very hard to imagine that Big Tech billionaires could - let alone would - be considered a metric for wisdom. Nevertheless, the quote below suggests differently. “In an America where wealth has increasingly become the primary source of social...

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Let it flow and don’t interfere ….

A salmon swims upwards against the river stream and usually dies shortly after its arrival. It’s often tempting to fight certain forces that are stronger. Not interfering might be viewed as a sign of weakness. Fighting change is, however, often (too) exhausting. The Serenity Prayer (1930s) also applies: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot...

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