My blog title above has been borrowed from a recent email by the John Templeton Foundation. The answer depends on your precise definition of Evolution and of Life. The definition of Life is (very) complex. For example: Does Life include bacteria and viruses?? Does Evolution include collisions with asteroids and comets? Does water constitute Evolution, Life or a...
History, legends and myths (4)
Recently, several articles mentioned a remarkable scientific find: 'Well-man' thrown from castle identified from 800-year-old Norse saga. I suppose that legends and myths have little meaning to (ancient) history in the eyes of (very) many people. The quote below shows its importance: “ "This is the first time that a person described in these historical texts has...
Angst: van overbevolking (1972) naar onderbevolking (2024)
Het oude spreekwoord, angst is een slechte raadgever, zijn we kennelijk al lang vergeten. In de HJ Schoo-lezing van 2024 sprak Pieter Omtzigt (NSC) over het gevaar van onderbevolking. Diverse vrouwelijke columnisten schreven cynische reacties over zijn gewenste extra baby’s. In de jaren 70 waarschuwde de Club van Rome in haar rapport De grenzen aan de groei (1972)...
How Did Life Get Big and Complex? (Quanta)
Introduction LO: This fine Quanta article focuses on the how of evolution. I miss an explanation for why did life get big and complex? In my view, Everything follows Why (eg, how, what, when, where, who). The article briefly mentions the multiple attempts in transferring from successful simple single cell organisms (eg, bacteria) towards complex multicellular...
What is Light ??
I had assumed that (sun) light is a known known. Most likely, it is not. Brittanica writes this: “No single answer to the question “What is light?” satisfies the many contexts in which light is experienced, explored, and exploited.“ A solution is that sources mention visible light or spectrum (eg, NASA, Wiki). Hence, the “danger” lies in invisible light...
Neanderthalers waren allesbehalve primitieve holbewoners
Introductie LO: Ik heb relatief vaak geschreven over de Neanderthal en heb nooit geloofd dat ze primitieve holbewoners waren. De reden is eigenlijk vrij simpel: het overleven van IJstijden vergt intelligentie. Het artikel stelt dat "de Neanderthalers bijna 300.000 jaar in Europa geleefd". Andere artikelen stellen dat die periode mogelijk veel langer was: van circa...
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