Increasingly, it looks like every nation is an economic, geopolitical, and/or military enemy of China, once their national interests collide with Chinese interests. Remarkably, China is now also creating domestic adversaries. I cannot imagine that China needs and/or wants such adversaries or enemies. Hence, the explanation must be about (extreme) beliefs. Such...
How to stop Europe’s decline (WaPo) ??
30 Sep, 2024
Recently, the Washington Post (WaPo) published this article: How to stop Europe’s decline, an opinion by its Editorial Board. Its subtitle was: "Fixing the European Union’s flagging economy will require it to reconsider key elements of its architecture." The WaPo may well be right about Europe's flagging economy but why do they fail to see the American decline...
The American Prophet of Presidential Elections
9 Sep, 2024
In a recent NYT article, Professor Allan Lichtman (b.1947), the “Prophet of Presidential Elections” since 1984, gave his prediction for 5 November 2024. I agree with his prediction and actually felt the same, early last week. I declined writing my prediction as it was based on emotions rather than ratio. ”The model uses 13 true/false criteria to predict whether the...
Geen Pers (muskieten)
30 Aug, 2024
De conservatief-rechts pers in Amerika klaagt flink over het gebrek aan persvoorlichting (o.a. Fox News), eerst onder Joe Biden (zelfbescherming tegen frequente blunders) en nu onder Kamala Harris (opzettelijk beleid??). Ook in Nederland lijkt de pers opzettelijk te worden gemeden. Ik juich deze ontwikkeling eigenlijk wel toe. De media en pers zijn allesbehalve...
From a Baby Boom to a Baby Bust generation
21 Aug, 2024
America, China and Russia face (ever-) decreasing birth rates and to such an extent that various politicians have already claimed a demographic crisis. However, the reasons are very, very different. WSJ, 25 April 2024: “Fewer babies were born in the U.S. in 2023 than any year since 1979. American women are giving birth at record-low rates. The total fertility rate...
Amerika vs Europa
2 Aug, 2024
Onlangs publiceerde de Volkskrant dit artikel: “Amerika ligt qua welvaart mijlenver voor op Europa: gaat de inhaalslag er ooit komen?“ Zelden zal ik het ergens minder mee eens zijn geweest. In absolute economische termen heeft de schrijver echter ongetwijfeld gelijk. In relatieve zin heeft de gemiddelde Europeaan het (veel) beter qua welvaart en welzijn. Waar komt...
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