Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Birds of a feather flock together

Recently, Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant published an article that caught my curiosity and my interest: How do I step outside my bubble more often? My question is/was simple: do I need, want, or believe in this?? Hence, I asked my girlfriend. She was also skeptical. Perhaps given our differences. The ancient Dutch saying is "soort zoekt soort", which translates like...

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How to stop Europe’s decline (WaPo) ??

Recently, the Washington Post (WaPo) published this article: How to stop Europe’s decline, an opinion by its Editorial Board. Its subtitle was: "Fixing the European Union’s flagging economy will require it to reconsider key elements of its architecture." The WaPo may well be right about Europe's flagging economy but why do they fail to see the American decline...

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Politics versus Money

Recently, the Dutch FT published an article with an intriguing title: The Republicans say goodbye to Big Money (HFD, translation by LO). The FT published a similar title that day: Donald Trump pledges tax cuts, trade wars and border crackdown. Actually, this development is visible in China, Europe, and USA. It might be the greatest danger for nationalism. In my...

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Will Tory incompetence transfer to Labour?

The incompetence of UK Conservatives (a.k.a. Tories) has been severely penalised after their chaotic reign of 14 years (2010-2024). However, incompetence seems to be a British rather than a Tory attitude. Hence, the question in my blog title. Also see my related blogs on (legendary) British incompetence: 2018: Why the UK excels at mismanaging expectations (FT);...

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Tunnel vision

Recently, I viewed some (police) detective TV show and suddenly wondered if we all suffer from a tunnel vision in our lives: “a tendency to think only about one thing and to ignore everything else”. The aforementioned Brittanica description suggests that we do indeed. Early 2021, I prepared my diagram below. Let’s suppose that we are inside the orange box, called...

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Welke “Ruk naar Rechts”?

De grootste verrassing van 6 juni 2024 was de afwezigheid van een grote verrassing, zoals in Nederland op 22 november 2023. De verwachte “Ruk naar Rechts” (in de media) viel mij heel erg mee. Eigenlijk had ik meer anti-Europees sentiment verwacht. Rusland zal daarom teleurgesteld zijn. De afstraffing van de Franse president is misschien de uitzondering. Hij is...

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