Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Tunnel vision

Geen Pers (muskieten)

De conservatief-rechts pers in Amerika klaagt flink over het gebrek aan persvoorlichting (o.a. Fox News), eerst onder Joe Biden (zelfbescherming tegen frequente blunders) en nu onder Kamala Harris (opzettelijk beleid??). Ook in Nederland lijkt de pers opzettelijk te worden gemeden. Ik juich deze ontwikkeling eigenlijk wel toe. De media en pers zijn allesbehalve...

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Tunnel vision

Recently, I viewed some (police) detective TV show and suddenly wondered if we all suffer from a tunnel vision in our lives: “a tendency to think only about one thing and to ignore everything else”. The aforementioned Brittanica description suggests that we do indeed. Early 2021, I prepared my diagram below. Let’s suppose that we are inside the orange box, called...

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Vera (TV series)

Recently, I finally started watching season 1 (2011) of Vera, a TV series rated at 8.1 on IMDb. My rating is a 9. Soon, I'll start watching season 12 (2023) of 14 (2025). Actually, my earlier perception of this series has been very, very wrong. This crime series is excellent despite its main character (ie, Vera). "Vera is a British crime...

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We need a common enemy to unite us

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the EU has suddenly adopted high speed decision-making and even without much fuss from its 27 members. Some are surprised about these changes. I'm not. I suppose, Condoleezza Rice (b.1954) was right when she once stated: "We need a common enemy to unite us." Quite often, leaders create imaginary enemies to get what they need,...

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The common denominator

In several blogs, I have described myself as the common denominator when it comes to relationship failures. These reasons vary a lot but the common factor is me. I seem to be the “problem”. My mother (86) says I’m difficult; I prefer complex. The difference is in intentions. Often, difficult behaviour is on purpose. Complexity is a matter of...

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Needs, Wants, Beliefs & Awakening (3)

Monday's blog about Awakening vs Beliefs made me wonder (again) what an Awakening actually is. I may have avoided that issue. It's (much) easier to say what it's not. An Awakening has nothing to do with the American "woke" culture or ideology: "referring to a perceived awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice". It's the opposite, in...

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