Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


De-dollarizing fantasyland

Intro LO: Late October, I received an interesting and intriguing Bloomberg email newsletter, entitled De-dollarizing fantasyland. That Bloomberg New Economy article is stated below. I suppose this article is - ultimately - about trust, distrust and mistrust. The dollar may not be liked (eg, by BRICS countries). However, the US$ is trusted despite the 1971 comment by...

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A Nation gets the Leader it deserves (2)

I was considering using the 1985 David Bowie and Pat Metheny song This is not America, until I realised my wishful thinking. This is indeed America ! Like it or leave it. Below, I've selected another 1985 song from the Rocky IV film of that year. It feels more appropriate. Actually, I regret that I have trusted the information from left-liberal media, like the New...

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North Korea gives Xi a headache (Bloomberg)

Intro LO: In line with several earlier blogs, my first and foremost thought was this one: Can China - or anyone else - ever trust Russia ?? There are several Wikipedia articles on (military) conflicts between China and Russia, which partly relate to Russia assisting in the Mongol Empire attacks on China: The ancient, complicated and violent China-Mongolia relations;...

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Chinese monism: Power versus Knowledge

Recently, I noticed two interesting articles that seemingly contradict each other: (1) China tells schoolteachers to hand in their passports (FT, 6 Oct 2024), and (2) Scale of Chinese Spying Overwhelms Western Governments (WSJ, 14 Oct 2024). The contradiction is about gathering knowledge. Does China trust its spies more than public information from the Financial...

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Let it flow and don’t interfere ….

A salmon swims upwards against the river stream and usually dies shortly after its arrival. It’s often tempting to fight certain forces that are stronger. Not interfering might be viewed as a sign of weakness. Fighting change is, however, often (too) exhausting. The Serenity Prayer (1930s) also applies: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot...

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Geen Pers (muskieten)

De conservatief-rechts pers in Amerika klaagt flink over het gebrek aan persvoorlichting (o.a. Fox News), eerst onder Joe Biden (zelfbescherming tegen frequente blunders) en nu onder Kamala Harris (opzettelijk beleid??). Ook in Nederland lijkt de pers opzettelijk te worden gemeden. Ik juich deze ontwikkeling eigenlijk wel toe. De media en pers zijn allesbehalve...

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