Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Trias politica

What defines a SuperPower?

Until about a year ago, many articles claimed that China would surpass the USA as an (economic) SuperPower. I never believed those articles. China did and does not meet the SuperPower criteria. Today, many articles assume that USA may not be surpassed. I doubt that too. The Roman Empire was - probably - the first global empire. Alternatively, it was a multi-regional...

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Is the ‘trias politica’ obsolete?

Elected presidents governing by decree, hung parliaments, and courts taking political decisions following (i) their ideological beliefs (eg, SCOTUS), and/or (2) NGO's (eg, NRA, Urgenda verdict). As a result, the executive branch is curbing the power of the judicial branch in several countries (eg, Hungary, Poland, USA). Recently, Noah Feldman, a Harvard law...

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Was the Urgenda verdict a miscarriage of justice?

In 2022, several countries are starting up coal-fired power stations due to the decreasing export of Russian gas and despite the 2019 Urgenda verdict. That verdict ignored geopolitical tensions and viewed climate change as a national issue. Hence, was the Urgenda verdict a miscarriage of justice? It’s an example of "what can go wrong, will go wrong", similar to...

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Seizing oligarch assets is a slippery slope (Reuters)

Introduction LO: This topic is a huge moral dilemma (to me) as Isaac Newton's Third Law of Motion must apply: for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction (eg, NASA, Wiki). Moreover, this will create a legal precedent for forthcoming centuries that will erode the separation of powers a.k.a. trias politica. Quite possibly, this cure is...

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Will the German Federal court confirm the Polish ruling?

The recent ruling by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal was rather smart: only some parts of EU treaties are incompatible with the Polish constitution (eg, BBC, Reuters). Hence, the majority of EU treaties is compatible. You will, however, not read that conclusion in any mainstream media. Nearly all media are only interested in: click-bait-fight until future...

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How CEOs became the 4th branch of government (Axios)

Axios title: How CEOs became the 4th branch of governmentBy: Felix Salmon, author of CapitalDate: 12 January 2021 "America needs law and order — but emphatically not the kind that President Trump has in mind when he uses the phrase. That's the message being sent by a broad coalition of CEOs who are silencing Trump and punishing his acolytes in Congress. Why it...

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