Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Tolerance vs intolerance

Desinformatie of slechts onwelgevallige informatie?

De Volkskrant, 31 augustus 2023: "Een grote meerderheid van de Nederlanders wil dat de overheid of de Europese Unie optreedt tegen online desinformatie. Bijna de helft vindt zelfs dat de vrijheid van meningsuiting moet wijken als mensen gevaarlijke informatie delen." Wat is eigenlijk desinformatie?? Mijns inziens is desinformatie hetzelfde als onwelgevallige...

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If you pay peanuts then you get monkeys (2)

For a long time, something is bugging me: the nonsense ratio of "news" articles, and its parroting by other media (eg, radio, tv). Most information is ideologically biased (eg, conservative-right vs liberal left). Often, its main intention is to raise our anger rather than to increase our knowledge. As a result, the Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom model...

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Idealism vs populism

In a recent video (>3 min.), Dutch vlogger Harry Vermeegen wondered why liberal-left beliefs qualify as idealism, while conservative-right beliefs qualify as populism. His remark triggered a question that had once been on my mind, but which I had discarded back then, for reasons I cannot recall. The ingredients of conservative-right beliefs are either (i) emotions...

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From permissive to intolerant societies (and back)

Being born in 1960, I was a teenager in the 1970s. If any society was permissive then it was back then. Nowadays, intolerance seems to be the driving force in (Western) societies. It's an example of Isaac Newton's third Law of Motion: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (source). In the 1970s, Labour-Left was a dominant political force that...

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Kent Nederland een huizentekort of een singlesoverschot? (Volkskrant)

Introductie LO: Hieronder wordt een vergelijking gemaakt tussen (i) het aantal eenpersoonshuishoudens en (ii) het (beweerde) huizentekort. De analyse is simpel: het probleem ligt bij de eenpersoonshuishoudens (o.a. bijstandsmoeders, gescheiden ouders, weduwnaars, weduwen). Die groep moet zich kennelijk aanpassen. De stijging van het aantal eenpersoonshuishoudens is...

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Is democracy only a democracy when your party wins?

The Brazilian opposition leader won the first round of the 2022 general election (ie, 48% vs 43%). However, news articles and comments are suggesting that he - and even democracy - have lost. Why? Because actual results differed from expectations. Voter polling statistics had claimed a landslide victory. The Brazilian elections are an example of two of my topics:...

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