Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Theory of Everything

Consciousness vs Light

Until writing this blog, I had assumed there was one main mystery in life: Consciousness. Remarkably, there is another one: Light. It feels to me that both mysteries might be (very much) related. Even sleep might be related. “The exact nature of visible light is a mystery that has puzzled humans for centuries, with many scientists and philosophers striving to answer...

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What is Light ??

I had assumed that (sun) light is a known known. Most likely, it is not. Brittanica writes this: “No single answer to the question “What is light?” satisfies the many contexts in which light is experienced, explored, and exploited.“ A solution is that sources mention visible light or spectrum (eg, NASA, Wiki). Hence, the “danger” lies in invisible light...

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Light as a connecting force

Yesterday's blog finally mentioned something that has been on my mind, ever since watching some episodes of the TV-series Evil, rated at #7.8 in IMDb. In episode 1, the concept of connectors appears: "There are people in this world who are... connectors. They influence people. They have day jobs. Uh, teachers, stockbrokers, uh... expert witnesses. They pretend to be...

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The Energy and Matter dimensions

My previous blogs were about dimensions that are familiar to us: Space (Length x Width x Height) and Time (eg, yesterday, today, tomorrow). In my view, there is also an Energy + Matter dimension. Matter is only considered matter when sunlight reflects on it (source). Hence, dark matter would be invisible to us. "In astronomy, dark matter is a...

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Theory of Everything (4)

Two weeks ago, a complex diagram was emerging in my mind about consciousness, dimensions (eg, spacetime), and (un)known (un)knowns. I decided working on some of its elements first. Please see last week's blogs. Last Wednesday, I finally had a breakthrough. The result is stated below. One of my main questions above, is the seeming impossibility of a multiverse in...

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SMART: (4) Relevance

According to Wikipedia and many business articles (eg, Forbes), there are 5 criteria for effective goal-setting: (1) Specific, (2) Measurable, (3) Achievable, (4) Relevance, and (5) Time-based. Goals are omni-present in our lives (eg, home, school, sports, work). How do we - or Artificial Intelligence (AI) - determine that relevance?? My answer would be: I know it...

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