Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Inspiration: a search for talent?

For some time, I have been wondering what inspiration actually is. Nearly each day, my inspiration arrives, and/but almost never when I need or want it most. It just comes at its own pace. Last Wednesday's night, the thought that inspiration is a search for talent suddenly arrived. My remarks needs some elaboration: I never receive ideas for books, movies, music,...

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“There can be mystery in a win, but not in a loss.”

According to a recent Nikkei Asia article, my blog title is a quote attributed to a “well-known professional baseball coach”. I tried to find that name but I failed. That Nikkei Asia article is, however, not about sports but about politics (ie, the presidential election results in India). In my view, my blog title is a universal truth in (all) areas like business,...

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Diversiteit versus evenredige vertegenwoordiging

"De zeven miljoen witte heterojongens en -mannen in Nederland horen over diversiteit dat zij maar twee dingen kunnen doen: hun mond houden en ruimte maken." Dit is de openingszin van een FD opinie van Joris Luyendijk. Mijn eerste gedachte: en de 7 miljoen witte vrouwen en meisjes dan?? Diversiteit staat haaks op evenredige vertegenwoordiging. Eigenlijk is...

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The Dutch Machiavelli

After surviving several quite outrageous scandals, the Dutch PM used an artificial ideological crisis to pull the plug from the 4th Cabinet in his name (ie, Rutte-4). Several weeks ago, his own party had demanded his action to curtail the inflow of migrants & refugees. Perhaps, his brazenness will be rewarded. On June 30, Politico Europe reported that Europe...

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Idealism vs populism

In a recent video (>3 min.), Dutch vlogger Harry Vermeegen wondered why liberal-left beliefs qualify as idealism, while conservative-right beliefs qualify as populism. His remark triggered a question that had once been on my mind, but which I had discarded back then, for reasons I cannot recall. The ingredients of conservative-right beliefs are either (i) emotions...

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The anti-woke movement

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1726/27) once defined his third law of motion as follows: for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. Hence, we should not be surprised of the rise of an anti-woke movement (eg, the Conversation, the Spectator, the Telegraph). It's useful to give two versions of how people perceive the word woke: Wiki: "Woke "is...

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