Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Balance & Symmetry

Can China solve its unemployment issues? (SCMP)

Introduction LO: China is well-known for its trade-off between (its promise of) economic progress and (the lack of individual) freedom (eg, AEA-2018, HBR-2015). However, that trade-off has been deteriorating ever since its disastrous zero-Covid policy. Unemployment issues have been worsening due to China’s political targeting of its entrepreneurs (eg, disappearance,...

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Emptiness of existence

Last Monday’s blog mentioned the apparent emptiness of existence that I seemed to witness during my Italian trip. It scared - and still scares - me. Actually, I had already felt that notion during my 2014 trip to the Dominican Republic, my 2017 blog. As far as I’m concerned, the emptiness of existence results from an absence of remaining goals in life. Hence, you...

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Tijd voor verandering

Vanaf volgde week stop ik met schrijven. In ieder geval tijdelijk. Ik voel dat het tijd is voor verandering. Mijn inspiratie is al langer niet wat ie was. De richting van die verandering betreft (vermoedelijk) mijn omgeving en niet mezelf. Mogelijk heeft mijn status quo te lang geduurd. Mijn balans en/of evenwicht beginnen soms op een vacuüm te lijken. De...

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Reciprocity, a human tool?

Since several days, I've been wondering if reciprocity is a fundamental principle. Wikipedia argues that it is "a fundamental principle in social psychology". Hence, only for humans. In my view, reciprocity also applies to primates and probably to other lifeforms. After some reflection, I made this diagram. Lines 2, 3 and 4 are (probably) derivatives of line 1:...

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There’s no positivity without negativity

Recently, a friend made the comment above. She also said those feelings are like Yin and Yang. After a brief reflection, I realised its validity. Before, I had assumed those feelings were like waves, entering and exiting my life. Nevertheless, my cycle and waves concept still fits the Wiki description below: “Yin and yang, also yinyang or yin-yang, is a...

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Gender ideology

Early March 2024, Pope Francis stated that “gender ideology is the ugliest danger of our time” (eg, Vatican News). I’ve never viewed gender ideology as a danger or a threat. It merely confuses me as I fail to understand it. In my view, gender ideology is a topic for the loud minority and irrelevant for the silent majority. Apparently, Pope Francis has a different...

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