Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


The rich world’s housing crunch is far from over (The Economist)

The Economist title: The rich world’s housing crunch is far from over The Economist subtitle: Markets can be split into three camps: early adjusters, bullet-dodgers and slow movers Date: 2 April 2023 "At times during the long boom that followed the global financial crisis of 2007-09, it seemed as if house prices would never stop rising. Sales surged as a cocktail of...

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Does crime fiction reflect reality?

I like several British and Scandinavian TV crime series. Recently, I started wondering if (their) crime fiction reflects reality? Based on my initial research, the answer seems clear: yes. Even in the Netherlands, there is a correlation: Baantjer (crime in Amsterdam), Penoza (drugs crime in Brabant). Statistics show that the "homicide rate in the UK was 1.2 per...

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Is stupidity at the Left feeding conspiracies at the Right?

Last week, I had an epiphany: what do (alleged) conspiracies (eg, Covid-19, EU, Trump, WEF) at the conservative-right have in common? Those all followed policies embraced by the liberal-left. In my view, the conservative-right overestimates the "intelligence" of the liberal-left. In my view, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is a left-liberal joke. The idea that those...

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Lies, damned lies, and statistics

On 30 September 2022, the Dutch Statistics Agency reported that the average inflation over September amounted to 17,1% (CBS). It surprised me because it didn't feel that way. The Dutch Press Agency reported that this 17,1% included the October energy rate increases (ANP). Hence, my blog title. Something similar happened over the last decade: the enormous increases...

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Balancing competition and cooperation (3)

The 1978 term "winter of discontent" is popular once again, for various reasons (eg, 2021 global energy crisis, 2022 food crises, 2021-2022 global supply chain crisis). Citizens blame their governments (eg, DutchNews). The EU blames the national governments for acting late or not all (eg, Wiley, T&F online). Balancing competition versus cooperation is hard. See...

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Little by little the truth of lockdown is being admitted: it was a disaster (the Times)

Introduction LO: Nowadays, the Why behind lockdown disasters seems to have a simple answer: the infinity of human stupidity (eg, Albert Einstein, Carlo Cipolla). Despite our knowledge on lockdown disasters, China continues with this stupidity. That Why is probably about saving face, a very important concept in China and Asia (eg, source, ThoughtCo.). Given that the...

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