Eind 2024 publiceerde theoretisch natuurkundige Avi Loeb een interessant artikel dat mij al jarenlang bezighoudt: Is de mensheid het hoogtepunt? Een kosmisch perspectief op intelligentie en overleven. De voortgang in mijn denken wordt gevisualiseerd door onderstaande diagrammen uit 2018 en 2022: Bron: mijn 2018 blog Bron: mijn 2022 blog De collectieve ontwikkeling...
The complexity bias (13): singularity as the ultimate goal?
In my view, the mind of multicellular organisms is the most complex part of any lifeform. The body is mostly a standardization tool (eg, arms, drinking, eating, head, legs) to protect and support the mind. In my view, the soul is the linking pin between individual and universal consciousness. Might the complexity bias of the mind be heading towards being part of...
Neanderthalers waren allesbehalve primitieve holbewoners
Introductie LO: Ik heb relatief vaak geschreven over de Neanderthal en heb nooit geloofd dat ze primitieve holbewoners waren. De reden is eigenlijk vrij simpel: het overleven van IJstijden vergt intelligentie. Het artikel stelt dat "de Neanderthalers bijna 300.000 jaar in Europa geleefd". Andere artikelen stellen dat die periode mogelijk veel langer was: van circa...
Irrelevant unknown unknowns
In principle, we do not know what we do not know - a.k.a. unknown unknowns. In my view, nearly all information is unknown to us. Perhaps, this immense segment is even 99.99999999 % - or far more. The other 3 segments are - once again, in my view - extremely small: known knowns (ie, knowledge), known unknowns (ie, beliefs), and unknown knowns (ie, instinct,...
Can you heal from a burn-out?
I suppose my situation contradicts my gut-feeling. Technically, I’m healed from my 2013 burn-out. Usually, I apply an 18-month healing period. My gut-feeling, however, says you cannot really heal from it. You carry it with you. In my view, a burn-out represents a breakdown of the Body, Mind & Soul triangle in our life. For all of us, that triangle is (very)...
Finding our goals in life
Usually, we do not think about finding our goals in life. Those goals arrive “automatically” and/or subconsciously. For nearly everyone, our primary goal is survival (eg, food, housing, water). For most of us, money is our secondary goal in life because money satisfies our needs and our wants. When our needs and our wants (in life) have been satisfied then finding...
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