Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


“There can be mystery in a win, but not in a loss.”

According to a recent Nikkei Asia article, my blog title is a quote attributed to a “well-known professional baseball coach”. I tried to find that name but I failed. That Nikkei Asia article is, however, not about sports but about politics (ie, the presidential election results in India). In my view, my blog title is a universal truth in (all) areas like business,...

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Diversiteit versus evenredige vertegenwoordiging

"De zeven miljoen witte heterojongens en -mannen in Nederland horen over diversiteit dat zij maar twee dingen kunnen doen: hun mond houden en ruimte maken." Dit is de openingszin van een FD opinie van Joris Luyendijk. Mijn eerste gedachte: en de 7 miljoen witte vrouwen en meisjes dan?? Diversiteit staat haaks op evenredige vertegenwoordiging. Eigenlijk is...

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Ajax is een bedrijf. Voetbal is een sport.

Deze blog gaat niet over voetbal, als sport. Voetbal vind ik saai; hockey niet. Deze blog gaat wel over Ajax, als bedrijf. Op papier lijkt het besturingsmodel bij Ajax (de "governance") te kloppen. De (recente) praktijk suggereert echter iets geheel anders. Past een bedrijf eigenlijk wel bij sport?? Een soortgelijke vraag heb ik bij mijn oude vakgebied, de...

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Inclusivity vs honesty

Recently, Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant featured an article about preventing trans women from entering female chess tournaments. The article featured this (translated) quote: "The purpose [LO: of new game rules] is to keep [the game] as inclusive and honest for everyone." Note: markings by LO. The word "and" bothered me. In my view, the words inclusive and honest...

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“Why do some men take so long to mature?”

Last week, an online female friend (35) asked me the question above. Immediately, I recognised my new blog title. Actually, I fit her question quite well. It was also the reason why my parents were advised to put me in secondary school (ie, MAVO-4). That started my fighting spirit. Over the years, science stated that brain maturity was different for men (eg, 27) and...

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Why China Is So Bad at Doing Big Things (Bloomberg)

Bloomberg Opinion title: Why China Is So Bad at Doing Big Things Bloomberg Opinion subtitle: The country has a reputation for accomplishing impossible tasks. But its strengths only work in certain cases. By: Minxin Pei Date: 3 April 2023 "Countries around the world are awed by China’s ability to marshal its national resources and do big, seemingly impossible...

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