Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Marriages in China plunge by a record in 2024, fanning birthrate concerns (Reuters)

Intro LO: The most important quote might be in the 5th paragraph below: “He noted that the number of marriages in China last year was less than half of the 13.47 million in 2013.” Note: bold & italic markings by LO. Source: Reuters, 10 February 2025, Marriages in China plunge by a record in 2024, fanning birthrate concerns Hence, China may not have enough...

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‘Verschrikkelijk’ Amerikaans handelstekort is juist een privilege (FD)

Intro LO: Dit FD artikel is gebaseerd op logica en ratio. Echter, Donald Trump is een man van emoties, inclusief blufpoker. Kortom, dit FD artikel biedt nauwelijks oplossingen en geeft vooral aan wie het meest te verliezen heeft. Bovendien heeft het Zuid-Amerikaanse land Colombia recent reeds aangetoond dat wederzijdse blufpoker kansloos is bij Trump (o.a. NOS). De...

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The global “youth scarcity” crisis (Axios)

Intro LO: The Axios Macro article below on demographics is a must-read. Actually, China is already facing this “youth scarcity” crisis and millions of young Chinese already refuse to contribute to the pensions for the elderly (eg, Bloomberg, 10 January 2025). The main solution appears simple but is actually complex: import of foreign labour to fill vacant domestic...

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The Progressive Moment in Global Politics Is Over (WSJ)

Introduction LO: This Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article (see below) was written before the recent decision of the liberal-left Canadian Prime Minister to resign. His resignation is further evidence of the validity of this WSJ article. In my view, the pendulum in Politics used to be between conservatives (“Right”) and Labour (“Left”) until about 1980. Growing wealth...

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The ‘Mainstream Media’ Has Already Lost (the Atlantic)

Intro LO: In my view, the premise of this article (ie, winning versus losing) is wrong. Mainstream media have not (yet) lost. Actually, it might well be (much) worse: mainstream media are (slowly) becoming irrelevant. The reason for that (alleged) irrelevance is about facts versus opinions. Mainstream media have migrated towards opinions - rather than facts -...

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Let it go …

My title is a common advice by people. I suppose I use that type of advice myself as well. Nevertheless, that advice feels rather useless if and when you receive it yourself. Quite often, the issue - or “problem“ - is time-bound. The very next day, you might have forgotten already. “Firstly, I felt like it was a personal attack. As if the premise of her advice was...

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