I think I finally understand the feeling of loneliness. In my view, it feels like the Daryl Hall song below: "Every time you go away; You take a piece of me with you" (lyrics). This yearning-like feeling is new to me. I have always liked my feeling of solitude but I'm (far) less sure about this new feeling. As I had always suspected, my inspiration is taking a dive....
Solitude vs Loneliness
The unpleasantness of thinking
10 Oct, 2024
Recently, the Psychological Bulletin published a “meta-analytic review of the association between mental effort and negative affect”. That review was entitled as “The unpleasantness of thinking”. I agree that “critical thinking is not just hard work but also mentally draining”. I disagree that it’s “often unpleasant”. Source: The Debrief, covering the recent...
Single for too long
31 Jul, 2024
Recently, I had a telephone call with someone who has been single for more than 20 years. Her voice and our conversation felt pleasant. Later that day, I wanted to ask her a question about our conversation. She refused a second call. The next several days, she sent me those annoying “Good Morning” images. Initially, I replied by writing: good morning and have a nice...
It’s better to be alone than being lonely in a relationship
5 Jun, 2024
A relationship used to be a goal in my life. Like many other people, I prefer to be alone nowadays. I’m not sure when I’ve changed my mind. I suppose dating failures explain the how and the why. Dating appears to be a game or a leisure activity rather than anything serious. Perhaps, I’ve given up although I doubt that. I’ve just accepted reality. If anyone serious...
22 Feb, 2024
Afgelopen maandag concludeerde ik dat een vriendin in een uitzichtloze situatie lijkt te zitten. Echter, zodra haar prioriteiten zouden wijzigen, dan wijzigt haar keuze (om daarin te blijven zitten). Ik zie geen andere oplossingen. Haar verkeerde prioriteiten leiden tot een verkeerde keuze. Ze snapt me. Ik vermoed dat menigeen in een uitzichtloze situatie lijkt te...
Closed versus open
30 Jan, 2024
Last Tuesday, I had a sudden burst of inspiration, while trying to take an afternoon nap. My nap lost, and my inspiration won. The resulting diagram (below) is probably the one that failed to materialise during the past several months. Finally, a certain situation is making sense to me. Most of the time, I’m in the right upper corner of my diagram above (ie, Hope)....
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