Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Self vs Group

Let it flow and don’t interfere ….

A salmon swims upwards against the river stream and usually dies shortly after its arrival. It’s often tempting to fight certain forces that are stronger. Not interfering might be viewed as a sign of weakness. Fighting change is, however, often (too) exhausting. The Serenity Prayer (1930s) also applies: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot...

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Why do we sabotage our own success?

My blog title has been borrowed from a recent article in the online magazine Aeon. I did wonder about this question as well, given some of my actions. In my early 2022 blog Self-sabotaging, I had assumed that self-sabotage was about conscious versus subconscious. The problem is that nobody knows what consciousness is because it remains a scientific mystery. The...

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Did you ever ask for help?

I remember one instance of asking for help to someone. I did not doubt the answer. I expected a Yes. One instance isn't much in six decades. This blog topic is not about business-related help questions. Those have a joint purpose: finish the job or task. My topic is about personal questions for help. My original blog title was: Why are we afraid of asking for help?...

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Is it a pity that we have so many opinions??

Recently, I had a conversation about the abundance of opinions. In our past, you had to send your handwritten or typed opinion in a sufficiently stamped envelope to a newspaper that might not even publish it. Since about 20 years, everyone can publish an opinion (eg, Facebook-2004, Twitter-2006). Hence, my question: Is it a pity that we have so many opinions?? The...

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Idealism vs populism

In a recent video (>3 min.), Dutch vlogger Harry Vermeegen wondered why liberal-left beliefs qualify as idealism, while conservative-right beliefs qualify as populism. His remark triggered a question that had once been on my mind, but which I had discarded back then, for reasons I cannot recall. The ingredients of conservative-right beliefs are either (i) emotions...

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Having beliefs is the ultimate cause of anxiety

My blog title is borrowed from a 2023 Aeon essay on Known unknowables. Known unknowns is another term for human beliefs and our related 7 Belief systems (ie, 2015 original, 2019 update, 2023 update). Beliefs are the "things" we know that we do not know but still believe. "They thought of their scepticism as a way of life – as a way of reaching ataraxia or...

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