Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Force versus Matter

When you look at the Universe then you will notice (at least) two things: (centrifugal) force (eg, orbits) and matter (eg, moons, planets, suns). Where does that (centrifugal) force come from?? In case of humans, the answer would - probably - be Life. I suppose author Duane Elgin (b.1943) has a similar view and answer and/or solution, given this quote from his...

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Finding our goals in life

Usually, we do not think about finding our goals in life. Those goals arrive “automatically” and/or subconsciously. For nearly everyone, our primary goal is survival (eg, food, housing, water). For most of us, money is our secondary goal in life because money satisfies our needs and our wants. When our needs and our wants (in life) have been satisfied then finding...

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AI needs embodied cognition??

Intro LO: There are four levels in human consciousness: Unknown unknowns resulting in fantasy (eg, fiction); Known unknowns resulting in beliefs (eg, science-fiction); Unknown knowns resulting in intuition (eg, innovation); Known knowns resulting in knowledge (eg, science, technology) and in tools. The Axios AI+ article below is indeed consistent with “ancient”...

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When the Past is unknown, the Present and Future become relevant

My title above just entered my mind. That title might also be the reason why the human species is not really interested in its distant past. Our history seems restricted to its last 7,000 years. Anything that happened before the great flood (c.20,000-c.7,000 years ago) appears to have been lost “forever”. Perhaps, our ignorance towards our distant past has a...

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Technology: a human tool but for how long?

The ongoing intense discussions on the threats of Artificial Intelligent robotics made me recently wonder the following question: is it even possible that technology will - once - no longer be a human tool? In such a situation, the human species might become the tool of Technology. Human movies already "answered" my question. The 1984 film The Terminator features...

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“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

I noticed this unfamiliar George Orwell quote on page 48 of Robert Galbraith's (a.k.a. J.K. Rowling) latest book: The Running Grave. This quote feels related to my recent blog: Philosophy – our most dangerous belief? The best example of this George Orwell quote is communism; also see my 2015 blog. Apart from (instinctive) romantic love, all ideas are rooted in...

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