Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Do we know where we are going to?

Yesterday's blog on the decreasing energy of (sun) light and the increasing age of the Universe (ie, 26.7 billion years), made me realise that the age of planet Earth (ie, 4.55 billion years) is only 17.0% of the Universe. Hence, my assumed answering of the where question in yesterday's blog was wrong. The list of UFO sightings starts in 1450 BC in Africa, and has...

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Early 2016, I wrote my blog: Unknown unknowns – dreams. I suppose dreams are often about doubt, fear, hope & love. Sometimes, my dreams feel like science-fiction. According to ancient Sumerian (religious) beliefs, the human soul can travel during sleep and in the afterlife. In my view, the soul is the linking pin between individual and universal consciousness....

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AI needs embodied cognition??

Intro LO: There are four levels in human consciousness: Unknown unknowns resulting in fantasy (eg, fiction); Known unknowns resulting in beliefs (eg, science-fiction); Unknown knowns resulting in intuition (eg, innovation); Known knowns resulting in knowledge (eg, science, technology) and in tools. The Axios AI+ article below is indeed consistent with “ancient”...

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The purpose of AI

Recently, an author wrote a remarkable post on LinkedIn: the purpose of AI is Insight, not Power. Clearly, this must be his personal perspective. Everything in life follows these three domains: Love, Knowledge and Power. Insight might be a subdomain of Knowledge. In education and in healthcare, AI is about expanding Knowledge. In business and in the military, AI is...

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De rechter als instrument

Afgelopen maandag heeft het Gerechtshof in Den Haag de eis van drie NGO’s (t.w. Oxfam Novib, PAX, The Rights Forum) toegewezen om de export van militaire onderdelen te stoppen (o.a. AD). Ik hoop en verwacht dat het Kabinet een cassatieberoep bij de Hoge Raad instelt. Het is principieel onjuist dat minderheden, via hun NGO’s, het Kabinetsbeleid bepalen. De...

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Technology: a human tool but for how long?

The ongoing intense discussions on the threats of Artificial Intelligent robotics made me recently wonder the following question: is it even possible that technology will - once - no longer be a human tool? In such a situation, the human species might become the tool of Technology. Human movies already "answered" my question. The 1984 film The Terminator features...

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