Bovenstaande titel in een Accountancy Vanmorgen artikel pakte mijn interesse. Het bleek van mijn oud-PWN collega John van der Starre te zijn. Accountants vertonen inderdaad vaak ayatollah gedrag: kan niet, mag niet, maar ook wil niet. Zekerheid is een deel van hun geloof. Absolute zekerheid bestaat niet. Zelfs onze zon stopt uiteindelijk. Hoeveel relatieve zekerheid...
The psychology of secrets
Introduction LO: I noticed this 2024 British Psychological Society (BPS) article because I was curious about secrets, including the how, what, when, where, who and why of secrets. Actually, the introductory BPS statement feels weird: “In fact, you probably have about 13, five of which you've never told anybody else.” In my view, I have no secrets. Perhaps, my...
AI economics
In 1987, American economist and Nobel laureate Robert Solow expressed the thinking of many: "You can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics". Now, there's a similar question on artificial intelligence: "is 2024 going to be more like 1987 or more like 1995?" (Axios) Axios Macro: "In the 1990s and early 2000s, a revolution in...
Sinds enkele weken heb ik af en toe momenten dat ik me verveel. Meestal gebeurt dat ‘s avonds. Dit gevoel is nieuw. Ik weet niet goed waarom. Mogelijke verklaringen zijn het nieuwe jaar, gebrek aan inspiratie, het stoppen met dating, en/of het opzeggen van TV streaming diensten. Waarschijnlijk voorkomt mijn online spel dat mijn verveling vaker gebeurt. Het...
Closure comes with a price
Last week, I finally received closure with someone. I lost my anger with that person but gained (brief) sadness. For me, that sadness relates to losing Hope. It's over now. In other situations, the price of closure may relate to Doubt, Fear or Love. Hence, my blog title: Closure comes with a price. In my view, I wasn't looking for closure. I was looking to protect...
Facebook in Europe: pay per month OR accept personalized ads
Since 8 November 2023, I have a choice: either pay 12,99 euro per month for Facebook, or "accept" their "free" version with personalized ads (eg, AD, Standaard). This is causing a dilemma as I do not trust Facebook's data collection. Hence, I refused using their app and only used their website. Moreover, I mostly used Facebook (and LinkedIn) to promote my blog....
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