Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Risk management

The psychology of secrets

Introduction LO: I noticed this 2024 British Psychological Society (BPS) article because I was curious about secrets, including the how, what, when, where, who and why of secrets. Actually, the introductory BPS statement feels weird: “In fact, you probably have about 13, five of which you've never told anybody else.” In my view, I have no secrets. Perhaps, my...

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A global internet blackout?

Early 2022, a subsea internet cable was cut. TBO: “The cable is operated by Space Norway, and also serves the SvalSat park of more than 100 satellite antennas. SvalSat is today the world’s largest commercial ground station with worldwide customers.” Given its purpose, sabotage was likely. The Barents Observer: “ “The failure did not in any way change the ability to...

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Klimaat label

Rabobank, ING en ABN Amro willen een klimaatlabel voor huizenkopers, naast het energielabel, aldus recente artikelen (o.a. AAB, BNN-VARA, FD). Ik deel de mening van econoom en UvA professor Arnout Boot: “vreemd dat banken daar niet eerder op wezen” (BNR). Ik verwacht een zelfde situatie als bij het energielabel: eerst is vrijwel niemand geïnteresseerd in dit...

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Why regulating AI will be difficult — or even impossible (WE)

Intro LO: An interesting and recommended read by an American conservative source. Washington Examiner title: Why regulating AI will be difficult — or even impossible By: Christopher Hutton Date: 20 February 2024 "Efforts to combat artificial intelligence‘s threat to democracy and humanity through regulations and guardrails face a number of legal complications,...

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Etnisch profileren vs risico management 

Amnesty International komt bijna dagelijks met een radio commercial waarin wordt beweerd dat etnisch profileren altijd fout is. Aangezien iedereen deel is van een etnische groep, stelt Amnesty eigenlijk dat profileren altijd fout is. Elke organisatie (incl. Amnesty) doet echter aan profileren. "Het doel van cliëntonderzoek is dat de instelling weet met wie zij zaken...

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‘Derisking’ China-Reliant Supply Chains Is Creating New Risks (WSJ)

Wall Street Journal title: ‘Derisking’ China-Reliant Supply Chains Is Creating New Risks WSJ subtitle: The U.S. and Chinese economies appear to be growing apart. The real story is more complicated, and worrying. By: Nathaniel TaplinDate: 6 january 2024 " “Derisking” the West’s ties with China—shorthand for measures like tariffs to build up supply chains in friendly...

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