Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Revolving door

Life is a revolving door

Nowadays, my love life feels like a revolving door. As soon as a Possibly Maybe disappears, the next one appears. I thought that this phenomenon might just be happening to me. I was wrong. A few days ago, a friend posted an excerpt from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944): "Il y aura toujours une autre occasion, un autre ami, un autre amour,...

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What’s next?

What’s next?

It's difficult for me to give up on Love. What's the point of living, once you give up on Hope? Where hopelessness rules, suicides take over (eg, 2015 study). Nevertheless, my failing relationships do put a strain on me. I keep on telling myself, jokingly, that you need to kiss a whole lot of "frogs" to find yourself a "princess"; similar to The Frog...

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Does the UK export chaos?

The new Australian Prime Minister is the 5th PM in 5 years, and the 7th PM in 11 years (list). One politician publicly stated: “This revolving door of prime ministers has got to stop”. A recent FT article stated: ‘Brutal’ Australian politics behind demise of PM Turnbull", and it referred to "instability fuelled by hyper-partisan culture, ideological spats...

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Revolving doors

Revolving doors

It's a weird feeling when you feel like the mouse in a big cats' game. Some time ago, I closed the door to an opportunity and another one opened. And now it's the exact opposite. Doors close, doors open. It feels like eternal revolving doors but only when we act quick enough. Even revolving doors have a limited time window. The following quotes are particularly...

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