Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Reverse psychology

In whose interest is a Google break-up??

Early August 2024, a federal judge ruled that Google has used its position to "violate fair competition laws" (eg, Wired-2024) and thus acted as "an illegal monopolist" (eg, The Verge-2024, Wired-2024). Consequently, a "Google breakup is on the table, say DOJ lawyers" (eg, FT-2024, The Verge-2024). My question is simple: in whose interest is a Google break-up??...

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Is the Universe alive?

A recent Nature article, Black hole jets on the scale of the cosmic web, makes you wonder if the Universe is “alive” (eg, Phys, Volkskrant). Actually, the question of what is life is a debate within science (eg, ASU, NYT-2024, Templeton). The problem with our current definition of life (eg, eating, digestion, pooping) is that viruses are not included. How can a...

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Absolute immunity for Joe Biden

Most articles claim that Donald Trump has won following the recent SCOTUS verdict about (near) absolute immunity for (former) US presidents. That would only be true if Joe Biden would not use this verdict to his advantage. SCOTUS has also given Joe Biden a near absolute immunity. Interestingly, a dissent SCOTUS opinion may also be read as a very implicit advice to...

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Is decoupling causing supply-side inflation?

A recent Bloomberg article is responsible for the question in my blog title: China Premier Warns Decoupling Will Lead to ‘Destructive Spiral’. My 2 April 2024 blog questioned a related topic: Inflation: from supply-side to demand-side? Like my 4 April 2023 blog, I concluded that “we are stuck with supply-side inflation.” My 2023 and 2024 blogs did,...

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When (and how) to believe compulsive liars??

In principle, my blog title is a contradiction in terms. Hence, the answer to my question above might well be: never. Still, some compulsive liars will allow us to use a (simple) technique, like reverse speech. I suppose that most liars are (much) more sophisticated. In my view, nearly everything that Donald Trump says is the (exact) opposite of facts or objective...

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“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

I noticed this unfamiliar George Orwell quote on page 48 of Robert Galbraith's (a.k.a. J.K. Rowling) latest book: The Running Grave. This quote feels related to my recent blog: Philosophy – our most dangerous belief? The best example of this George Orwell quote is communism; also see my 2015 blog. Apart from (instinctive) romantic love, all ideas are rooted in...

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