When you look at the Universe then you will notice (at least) two things: (centrifugal) force (eg, orbits) and matter (eg, moons, planets, suns). Where does that (centrifugal) force come from?? In case of humans, the answer would - probably - be Life. I suppose author Duane Elgin (b.1943) has a similar view and answer and/or solution, given this quote from his...
“Ethiopians do not feel African”
11 Jun, 2024
Some months ago, a Kenyan friend made this comment to me. In 2012, I felt the same after a girl walked inside a local Kenyan restaurant. She was very tall, very slim, a very high neck, surrounded by several necklaces. Apparently, she was a famous Ethiopian model. After doing some research, it appears that Ethiopians may indeed have an important argument for not...
The origin of Jews and Israel
6 Jun, 2024
About c.1900 BC, Abraham was born in the city-state of Ur in a regio called Mesopotamia, currently Iraq. His father Terah was a high priest for the Sumerian king Nimrod, a “great-grandson of Noah”. Father and son had to escape because Nimrod threatened to kill Abraham. The origin of the Sumerian people is still a mystery. Their Akkadian neighbours called them...
Finding our goals in life
28 May, 2024
Usually, we do not think about finding our goals in life. Those goals arrive “automatically” and/or subconsciously. For nearly everyone, our primary goal is survival (eg, food, housing, water). For most of us, money is our secondary goal in life because money satisfies our needs and our wants. When our needs and our wants (in life) have been satisfied then finding...
Demographic extinction versus nationalism
7 Mar, 2024
Intro LO: This recent Times article highlights a demographic topic in (very) many countries: declining birth rates that are announcing a declining population (eg, China-FT-2021). South Korea claims it “faces extinction”. That claim makes sense given the numbers in the 3rd paragraph of the article below. The 5th paragraph explains why this demographic issue is (much)...
A healthy mind in a healthy body
31 Oct, 2023
I grew up in a small village in the 1960s. I suppose that most villagers knew about each other's reputations. We played outside all of the time, with no supervision. Nevertheless, my parents seemed aware of our activities. Back then, they didn't seem to worry about our independence. A 2023 WaPo article (below) suggests that children develop a mental health crisis...
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