Recently, I noticed an Aeon-Psyche article with an intriguing title (see above). I didn’t want to write about it but it kept bugging my mind. My past experiences have contributed to my reluctance. Suddenly, I realised its relevance. My upbringing explains my attitude towards money. My parents owned their house, their business, and their car in the 1960s. Money was...
Tunnel vision
5 Jul, 2024
Recently, I viewed some (police) detective TV show and suddenly wondered if we all suffer from a tunnel vision in our lives: “a tendency to think only about one thing and to ignore everything else”. The aforementioned Brittanica description suggests that we do indeed. Early 2021, I prepared my diagram below. Let’s suppose that we are inside the orange box, called...
Friendships: different or similar like you?
10 Jun, 2024
On 6 February 2024, an Aeon Psyche article posed the following question in its title: “Is it better to have friends who are like you or different from you?“ Before reading its conclusion, I checked my gut feeling. In my view, similar is more likely than different. I was right. There’s an adjacent field: relationships. People often say that opposites attract. Merriam...
Het laatste woord
7 Jun, 2024
Het laatste woord in een discussie geeft je vaak een prettig gevoel: van winnen. Vervolgens ontstaat er een nieuw en naar gevoel: van verlies. Je realiseert je dan plotseling pas dat er een geheel andere intentie kan zijn voor het niet antwoorden: afscheid (o.a. relatie, samenwerking, vriendschap). Elke discussie tussen twee (of meer) personen gaat eigenlijk over...
It’s better to be alone than being lonely in a relationship
5 Jun, 2024
A relationship used to be a goal in my life. Like many other people, I prefer to be alone nowadays. I’m not sure when I’ve changed my mind. I suppose dating failures explain the how and the why. Dating appears to be a game or a leisure activity rather than anything serious. Perhaps, I’ve given up although I doubt that. I’ve just accepted reality. If anyone serious...
The fine line
4 Jun, 2024
There’s a fine line between a friendship and a relationship. It’s an either / or situation. The threshold is intimacy. Once that threshold has been crossed, there’s a new fine line (eg, us vs them). Crossing that second fine line often ends everything (ie, friendship and relationship). According to Oscar Wilde, there’s one serious problem: “Between men and women...
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