Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Reciprocity (2)

”The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one would want to be treated by them. It is sometimes called an ethics of reciprocity, meaning that you should reciprocate to others how you would like them to treat you (not necessarily how they actually treat you).” (Wiki) The Russian comments on the Ukraine attacks on Russian territory, are an...

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Reciprocity, a human tool?

Since several days, I've been wondering if reciprocity is a fundamental principle. Wikipedia argues that it is "a fundamental principle in social psychology". Hence, only for humans. In my view, reciprocity also applies to primates and probably to other lifeforms. After some reflection, I made this diagram. Lines 2, 3 and 4 are (probably) derivatives of line 1:...

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Cutting ties

I’ve been trying to cut my ties with someone. Unsuccessfully though. A friend keeps asking me why I’m failing. I have no explanation and/but I seem to undermine my own efforts. I did cut my ties with others. To be fair, they cut their ties with me first. It took me quite some time to reciprocate their deeds. Apparently, cutting ties is more than just a two-way...

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Why do we expect reciprocal friendships?

The notion of (full) reciprocity in friendships will create false expectations because it's an illusion. Some friendships may indeed come quite close to reciprocity. In most friendships, someone is leading (eg, pull & push) the friendship. The other friends are more responsive. Hence, my blog title's question. Many articles claim reciprocity is a cornerstone of...

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The 7 stages of Liberalism (2)

In 2018, I wrote my blog The 7 stages of Liberalism. Increasingly, I'm wondering if stage 7 was wrong and should have been on the rise of illiberal liberalism. Several articles deal with this phenomenon: Hoover-2014, OUP-2015, Politico-2017, Heritage-2017, Economist-2018 and T&F Online-2022. The key criterion of illiberal liberalism is the immediate desire to...

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There have already been several people arguing that restricting access to (foreign state) propaganda is against the (individual) right of free speech. I trust you will see the inherent contradiction(s). Nevertheless, let's assume, for the purpose of this blog, that these people actually believe in what they're arguing. The above is an example of the paradox of...

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