Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


What Came First: Evolution or Life?

My blog title above has been borrowed from a recent email by the John Templeton Foundation. The answer depends on your precise definition of Evolution and of Life. The definition of Life is (very) complex. For example: Does Life include bacteria and viruses?? Does Evolution include collisions with asteroids and comets? Does water constitute Evolution, Life or a...

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In whose interest is a Google break-up??

Early August 2024, a federal judge ruled that Google has used its position to "violate fair competition laws" (eg, Wired-2024) and thus acted as "an illegal monopolist" (eg, The Verge-2024, Wired-2024). Consequently, a "Google breakup is on the table, say DOJ lawyers" (eg, FT-2024, The Verge-2024). My question is simple: in whose interest is a Google break-up??...

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Do we know where we are going to?

Yesterday's blog on the decreasing energy of (sun) light and the increasing age of the Universe (ie, 26.7 billion years), made me realise that the age of planet Earth (ie, 4.55 billion years) is only 17.0% of the Universe. Hence, my assumed answering of the where question in yesterday's blog was wrong. The list of UFO sightings starts in 1450 BC in Africa, and has...

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Force versus Matter

When you look at the Universe then you will notice (at least) two things: (centrifugal) force (eg, orbits) and matter (eg, moons, planets, suns). Where does that (centrifugal) force come from?? In case of humans, the answer would - probably - be Life. I suppose author Duane Elgin (b.1943) has a similar view and answer and/or solution, given this quote from his...

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Can China solve its unemployment issues? (SCMP)

Introduction LO: China is well-known for its trade-off between (its promise of) economic progress and (the lack of individual) freedom (eg, AEA-2018, HBR-2015). However, that trade-off has been deteriorating ever since its disastrous zero-Covid policy. Unemployment issues have been worsening due to China’s political targeting of its entrepreneurs (eg, disappearance,...

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Mrs. No

Sometimes, I answer with a “No” to a question. Such an answer is rare for me. I prefer avoiding questions rather than giving negative answers. Our reason for (not) answering with a “No” may well relate to the following quote: “It’s not rude to ask a question. It’s rude to expect an answer.” A quote by Louis Theroux (b.1970), “a British-American documentarian,...

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