Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Powerful women

Recently, I had a discussion with a female friend. That discussion emerged after I showed my preference for a female political candidate. She replied that she dislikes powerful women. She’s not alone; far from it, actually. Also see my 2023 blog: The enemy of a woman is a woman. A recent Belgian newspaper article wondered whether boys are more conservative than...

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions

My blog title has been on my list of topics for some time. I didn’t know how to address it. The recent news about a nurse, being a Female Serial Killer (eg, Guardian, 24 August), changed my perspective. This excerpt bothered me though: “babies who were grievously ill”. Most known serial killers are male, while only few are female. Guardian-2023: Female Serial...

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Why are strategies rooted in monism?

For some time, there has been a question on my list of topics: why are strategies rooted in monism, and not in dualism or in trialism? I'm referring to strategies in business and/or politics. Perhaps, science has backup strategies for reaching its goals. Love may have several strategies but only one goal. I could blame the psychopathic traits in CEOs following Kevin...

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Do lawyers have a conscience?

Do lawyers even have a conscience? This question came to my mind in a telephone call of yesterday evening. This question is less weird than it may seem. A 2014 Psychology Today article - Are Lawyers All Raging Psychopaths? - states: “Based on [University of Oxford psychologist] Kevin Dutton's research, the second most psychopathic profession is that of a...

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