The average Dutch house in 2024 Q2 has a price of Euro 468,000 (NOS), while the average annual Dutch salary is "only" Euro 44,500 (Manpower). Hence, an average house will cost you about 10.5x of your average annual salary. That 2024 multiplier of 10.5x was about 5x when I bought my house in 1994. The doubling of that Dutch multiplier - or the home price-to-income...
Why there are so few babies in southern Europe (the Economist)
The Economist title: Why there are so few babies in southern Europe Economist subtitle: It’s mostly economics Date: 16 February 2023 "The museo degli innocenti in Florence has an unusual name and hosts an unusual display: a collection of small broken objects, mostly medallions. They were split in two when a baby was delivered to Florence’s hospital for...
China’s Xi Sets His Sights on Taiwan After Subduing Hong Kong (Bloomberg)
Bloomberg title: China’s Xi Sets His Sights on Taiwan After Subduing Hong Kong Bloomberg subtitle: The leader wants to continue on the path of Mao and Deng by bringing more territory under Beijing’s control. By: Iain Marlow and Cindy Wang Date: 30 July 2020 "Ever since Mao Zedong triumphed in 1949, prompting his Nationalist enemies to flee to Taiwan, Communist...
‘Het is tijd om mentaal afscheid te nemen van Amerika’ (FD)
Noot LO: een lezenswaardig recent FD artikel met een interessante en overtuigende analyse van de Portugese oud-minister Bruno Maçães. Hierin komen ook een aantal thema's voor waarover ik zelf regelmatig schrijf: - de onherroepelijke opkomst van socialisme in Amerika (2015, 2018, 2019-1, 2019-2, 2020); - het geloofssysteem Data/Info dat het geloofssysteem de...
The height of civilizations moves West
The prophecies of the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) include a fascinating unresolved one about the future of China. It also argues that the height of civilizations moves West. For a long time, I've been eager to verify that. Please see my diagram below. My diagram seems to confirm Edgar Cayce's statement that the height of civilizations...
A tale of daring, violence and intrigue from a North Korea embassy (FT)
Financial Times title: A tale of daring, violence and intrigue from a North Korea embassy FT subtitle: Report on events in Madrid sheds light on activists working to bring down Kim regime Date: 29 March 2019 “It was an unusual sight in the normally quiet streets of the wealthy Valdermarín neighbourhood on the edge of Madrid: an Asian woman, badly injured, stumbling...
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