Een recent Telegraaf artikel wekte mijn interesse: Steeds meer 65-plussers laten traditionele media links liggen: ’Je moet deugen tot je erbij neervalt, niet te hárden’. In Amerika wordt dit onderwerp vaak als culture war betiteld; bij ons heet het dan een cultuurstrijd. In een recent Axios artikel (zie #2) stelt Quentin Fulks, een voormalige senior medewerker van...
Every country has the government it deserves
21 Nov, 2024
My blog title is an English translation of a French saying (ie, “Toute nation a le gouvernement qu'elle mérite”) by French philosopher Joseph de Maistre (1753–1821). That French saying is getting relevance considering the (very) remarkable choices for the forthcoming 2025 U.S. Administration. I suppose such choices reveal their priorities. If not, those choices seem...
De-dollarizing fantasyland
14 Nov, 2024
Intro LO: Late October, I received an interesting and intriguing Bloomberg email newsletter, entitled De-dollarizing fantasyland. That Bloomberg New Economy article is stated below. I suppose this article is - ultimately - about trust, distrust and mistrust. The dollar may not be liked (eg, by BRICS countries). However, the US$ is trusted despite the 1971 comment by...
Dutch PM: migrant integration failed
13 Nov, 2024
Monday, the Dutch PM said something that (very) many people (probably) believe as well: migrant integration has failed (eg, Volkskrant). In my view, not only in the Netherlands but also in Europe and in USA. Blaming Angela Merkel’s 2015 comment (“Wir schaffen das”) is relevant though too simple. The context of the PM’s remark is relevant: the Amsterdam soccer riots....
Did ignorance beat arrogance?
11 Nov, 2024
"Ignorance is bliss", according to an 18th-century poem by Thomas Gray. Listening to ignorance can be quite funny, unlike arrogance. Hence, I wonder if the ignorance of the conservative-right has beaten the arrogance of the liberal-left on November 5. To some extent, the same is happening in Europe. The arrogance of the liberal-left manifests itself in topics like...
A Nation gets the Leader it deserves (3)
8 Nov, 2024
A recent Dutch female opinion article argued: "Even if Harris loses the elections, the female surge can no longer be stopped". As a man, I disagree. In my view, the surge of American women has hit a glass ceiling - and very, very hard. Why did Kamala Harris lose so big?? She even lost the 2024 U.S. popular vote (eg, FT Exclusive), despite the fact that a majority of...
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