Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Political correctness

Why is humour so difficult??

Several weeks ago, I noticed a funny trailer of season 4 of Only Murders in the Building (OMITB). Unfortunately, season 4 is hardly funny while season 1 was quite funny and entertaining. Hence, I fail to understand its very high average IMDb rating of 8.1. A rating of 6.9 would be (more than) enough. Season 4 has very many cameo appearances by well-known actors....

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Grensoverschrijdend gedrag

Grenzen zijn vaak absoluut: geografische grenzen (o.a. land, provincie, gemeente), tijdsgrenzen (o.a. ochtend vs middag, gisteren vs vandaag), en ook water vs ijs. Grensoverschrijdend is dan volledig duidelijk. Het verschil tussen licht en donker is veel minder duidelijk. Vandaar het gezegde: vele tinten grijs. Sinds enkele dagen wordt een "Beroemde Vlaamse...

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The anti-woke movement

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1726/27) once defined his third law of motion as follows: for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. Hence, we should not be surprised of the rise of an anti-woke movement (eg, the Conversation, the Spectator, the Telegraph). It's useful to give two versions of how people perceive the word woke: Wiki: "Woke "is...

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Does crime fiction reflect reality?

I like several British and Scandinavian TV crime series. Recently, I started wondering if (their) crime fiction reflects reality? Based on my initial research, the answer seems clear: yes. Even in the Netherlands, there is a correlation: Baantjer (crime in Amsterdam), Penoza (drugs crime in Brabant). Statistics show that the "homicide rate in the UK was 1.2 per...

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Greed is (not) good

Tuesday, the Dutch PM visited the US president to discuss (a.o.) the American export ban for ASML, a Dutch company that specializes in the development and manufacturing of high-tech machines, which are used to produce high-tech computer chips. This American export ban hurts ASML's profits. Several decades ago, Western companies moved production facilities...

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When (not) to apologize

The Dutch Cabinet has pledged to apologize for our history in the slave trade. Today is that day. A few centuries ago, our ancestors transported (most) slaves from Africa to their destination. Slave trading was done by Arabs (with the help of African tribes) and still continues today. Actually, today's slavery is even bigger than before. That weird fact seems...

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