Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Is DEI an oxymoron?

Early 2024, Axios published an article that American Companies are backing away from "DEI", which stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In the view of Axios, DEI has become a “toxic term”. It should be noted that the word Equity refers to “fair treatment” rather than to Shareholders’ Equity, although both seem - loosely - related. DEI may have become a toxic...

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Male friendships declining??

"The May 2021 American Perspectives Survey [found] that Americans report having fewer close friendships than they once did, talking to their friends less often, and relying less on their friends for personal support." The number of American men with no friends increased from 3% in 1990 to 15% in 2021. This survey got lots of international attention (eg, CNN-2022, El...

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When a friendship or a relationship is over, a new type of relation may emerge: the frenemy. Sometimes, it may still look like the friendship - or relationship - it once was. Usually, indifference is leading. The former is a micro example. China and Russia are a macro example; see my 2019 blog. "Frenemy" (also spelled "frienemy") is an oxymoron and...

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Unknown unknowns

Strictly speaking, unknown unknowns are (like) oxymorons because we cannot know the things that we do not know. Human inventions challenge the notion that unknown unknowns could or would even exist. As an individual, I have (very?) many unknown unknowns. Unknown unknowns may, however, not exist when we view (all) humans as a group rather than as aggregated...

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The 7 stages of Liberalism (2)

In 2018, I wrote my blog The 7 stages of Liberalism. Increasingly, I'm wondering if stage 7 was wrong and should have been on the rise of illiberal liberalism. Several articles deal with this phenomenon: Hoover-2014, OUP-2015, Politico-2017, Heritage-2017, Economist-2018 and T&F Online-2022. The key criterion of illiberal liberalism is the immediate desire to...

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Is a conscious robot an oxymoron?

Hypothetically speaking, robots might become conscious once there's an interface with consciousness. However, nobody knows what consciousness is. In my view, individual human consciousness is part of universal consciousness a.k.a. panpsychism. In my view, our soul is the likely "interface". Why are people so worried about artificial intelligence and/or machines (eg,...

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