Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Nothing vs something

The rollercoaster of solitude and loneliness (6)

I think I finally understand the feeling of loneliness. In my view, it feels like the Daryl Hall song below: "Every time you go away; You take a piece of me with you" (lyrics). This yearning-like feeling is new to me. I have always liked my feeling of solitude but I'm (far) less sure about this new feeling. As I had always suspected, my inspiration is taking a dive....

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Does the aether represent “dark” matter & energy?

While writing my previous blog - Dark matter: complexity or simplicity?? - a thought appeared in my mind: is the aether responsible for reflecting “dark” or invisible matter and energy? My choice of the word reflecting is on purpose. Another angle is this one: how can “several” suns illuminate an entire universe?? Moreover, the aether could (also) explain the tired...

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I know that I know nothing vs everything

The Greek philosopher Socrates (c.470–399 BC) once wrote: "For I was conscious that I knew practically nothing...". Later, Plato changed that into: I know that I know nothing (Wiki). Probably, Artificial Intelligence aims to know (most of) everything. Is it even possible to know everything?? In my view, the expansion of the Universe is related to storing ALL...

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Does the Universe has a universal time?

Time is a human concept. It was invented by the Sumerian civilisation (c.5000 BC - c.1500 BC), or an unknown older civilisation. Time is also a mathematical concept, representing galactic orbits and distances. The Sumerian Base-60 system explains our use of 60 minutes and 60 seconds. Hence, each galaxy is likely to have its own - and mathematically matching -...

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Gratis Geld bestaat (toch) niet (HFD)

Introductie LO: In 2004 had het blad Foreign Policy een speciale uitgave m.b.t. de 10 gevaarlijkste ideeën wereldwijd. De bijdrage van econoom Alice Rivlin (1931-2019) ging over 'Gratis Geld' (o.a. Brookings-2004); zie ook mijn recente blog. Haar geweldige openingszin luidde als volgt: "Fiscal irresponsibility is politically attractive, but it is equivalent to...

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What enables also interferes

A recent Aeon-Psyche article stated that "language both enables and interferes with our grasp of reality". Indeed, our language enables our communication and/but will also result in confusion (eg, meaning, translation). Actually, everything that enables will also interfere (eg, life vs death). This phenomenon may relate to dualism (eg, knowledge = power) and/or...

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