Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

New Zealand

The rich world’s housing crunch is far from over (The Economist)

The Economist title: The rich world’s housing crunch is far from over The Economist subtitle: Markets can be split into three camps: early adjusters, bullet-dodgers and slow movers Date: 2 April 2023 "At times during the long boom that followed the global financial crisis of 2007-09, it seemed as if house prices would never stop rising. Sales surged as a cocktail of...

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Global housing meltdown (Bloomberg)

Bloomberg title: Global meltdown (via email)By: Alice Kantor Date: 2 August 2022 "Housing slowdown? Try a possible global meltdown. As economies flash recession signals, cracks are forming in housing markets that surged in the first years of the pandemic. In New Zealand, which has been the world’s frothiest real estate market, prices are plunging and homes...

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Zero Covid policy

Introduction LO: I'm not fond of opinions, including the one below, which feels like a personal attack. Nevertheless, any zero-virus policy is indeed arrogant and ignorant and doomed to fail. Viruses are neither alive nor dead, at least following human definitions (ie, Nature's Tree of Life). Moreover, their origin is still unknown. The more you prevent viruses to...

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Idiocracy (6): New Zealand

Introduction LO: New Zealand has a population of about 5.129.000 people and has faced 26 deaths due to Covid-19. They are well below the cumulative international average mortality rates of 0.2% to 0.3%. Else, they would have had 10,000 to 15,000 fatalities. The above suggests the following:- the % of asymptomatic virus carriers in New Zealand is much higher than...

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Governance Envy (National Review)

National Review title: Governance Envy / Big, Rich, and BonkersNR subtitle: A different kind of Stockholm SyndromeAuthor: Kevin WilliamsonDate: 26 May 2020 "On policy questions, New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern is mostly on the naughty list. Ardern is a Labour goober and former president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, a kind of improved...

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