Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Friendships: different or similar like you?

On 6 February 2024, an Aeon Psyche article posed the following question in its title: “Is it better to have friends who are like you or different from you?“ Before reading its conclusion, I checked my gut feeling. In my view, similar is more likely than different. I was right. There’s an adjacent field: relationships. People often say that opposites attract. Merriam...

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“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

I noticed this unfamiliar George Orwell quote on page 48 of Robert Galbraith's (a.k.a. J.K. Rowling) latest book: The Running Grave. This quote feels related to my recent blog: Philosophy – our most dangerous belief? The best example of this George Orwell quote is communism; also see my 2015 blog. Apart from (instinctive) romantic love, all ideas are rooted in...

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We oordelen, zonder ons in de ander te verdiepen (Trouw)

Trouw titel: De Anton de Kom-lezing van Kathleen Ferrier: We oordelen, zonder ons in de ander te verdiepen Trouw ondertitel: Toen ze na vijf jaar in Hongkong terugkwam in Nederland, viel haar op hoe de samenleving is verhard en gepolariseerd, en hoe diep breuklijnen op het gebied van inkomen, religie en etniciteit zijn geworden. Dat vertelde Kathleen Ferrier dinsdag...

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Cultural diversity

Nowadays, people believe that cultural diversity is good and a monoculture is bad. Nevertheless, movies often show successful monocultures (eg, Margin Call, Trading Places, Wall Street, Wolf of Wall Street). In the 1983 comedy Trading Places, there is even a bet between two very rich white men that applying diversity will/will not make a...

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Filosoof Othman El Hammouchi: ‘Heel veel racisme is aangepraat’ (Trouw)

TROUW INTERVIEW: Othman El Hammouchi is de jonge luis in de Vlaamse pels. Hij komt in zijn boek ‘Lastige waarheden’ op voor de Vlaamse moslim. ‘Kuifje hoort thuis in de inburgeringscursus’. "Immer gekleed in pak en wit hemd is hij de man die de deur openhoudt voor een dame, en zijn mails steevast ondertekent met ‘diepste hoogachting’. Twee jaar geleden won Othmann...

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Parallel societies

On 8 June 2018, the Austrian PM introduced an intriguing new concept, "parallel societies", to close several mosques and extradite its related imams and their families (Guardian). The Wiki page for a parallel society refers to the German federal website for political education (BBP) for its definition: "In the public debate, "parallel societies" combine...

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