Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


From a Baby Boom to a Baby Bust generation

America, China and Russia face (ever-) decreasing birth rates and to such an extent that various politicians have already claimed a demographic crisis. However, the reasons are very, very different. WSJ, 25 April 2024: “Fewer babies were born in the U.S. in 2023 than any year since 1979. American women are giving birth at record-low rates. The total fertility rate...

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Reciprocity (2)

”The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one would want to be treated by them. It is sometimes called an ethics of reciprocity, meaning that you should reciprocate to others how you would like them to treat you (not necessarily how they actually treat you).” (Wiki) The Russian comments on the Ukraine attacks on Russian territory, are an...

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Ik ben geen fan van Victor Orban maar bewonder en respecteer wel zijn kunstjes. De “vredesmissie” van Orban komt veel te vroeg. Zowel Oekraïne als Rusland zijn nog (lang) niet toe aan vrede. Om Oekraïne te dwingen tot vrede, is waanzin. Rusland is trouwens de aanstichter van deze oorlog. Toch zal iemand uiteindelijk moeten bemiddelen tussen Oekraïne en Rusland....

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A global internet blackout?

Early 2022, a subsea internet cable was cut. TBO: “The cable is operated by Space Norway, and also serves the SvalSat park of more than 100 satellite antennas. SvalSat is today the world’s largest commercial ground station with worldwide customers.” Given its purpose, sabotage was likely. The Barents Observer: “ “The failure did not in any way change the ability to...

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Overstaying your welcome

Late 2023, former Dutch PM Mark Rutte (b.1967) acknowledged the criticism that he overstayed his position, while adding that “you notice your decreasing effectiveness when you stay too long” (AD, translation by LO). Hence, Joe Biden (b.1942) must know this as well. The criticism by Dilan Yesilgöz (the new leader of the liberal party) included an interesting unite vs...

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Absolute immunity for Joe Biden

Most articles claim that Donald Trump has won following the recent SCOTUS verdict about (near) absolute immunity for (former) US presidents. That would only be true if Joe Biden would not use this verdict to his advantage. SCOTUS has also given Joe Biden a near absolute immunity. Interestingly, a dissent SCOTUS opinion may also be read as a very implicit advice to...

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