Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Today is the first day of the rest of your life

My thought above also appears to be a quote by Charles Dederich. Initially, I assumed it applied to someone whom I had just met online. She preached love and understanding to me, but failed to apply those standards to herself. Earlier that same day, I had already met someone else. Recently, she and I met in real life (IRL). Now, I assume that my brain wave (and the...

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions

My blog title has been on my list of topics for some time. I didn’t know how to address it. The recent news about a nurse, being a Female Serial Killer (eg, Guardian, 24 August), changed my perspective. This excerpt bothered me though: “babies who were grievously ill”. Most known serial killers are male, while only few are female. Guardian-2023: Female Serial...

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Take care of your thoughts when you are alone

This week, I noticed a disturbing status update. I did not immediately know how to respond. Several hours later, I noticed an (unknown) quote, which I sent to her: "Take care of your thoughts when you are alone, and take care of your words when you are with people." She appreciated my gesture. Some attribute the quote above to Lorde but it appears to paraphrase...

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Asking the right question

Asking the right question

As an auditor, I know that it's all about asking the right question. Asking wrong questions will usually give you valid though irrelevant answers. The same principle applies to the questions that you're asking yourself. A breakthrough during introspection can only arrive when you're asking yourself the right question(s). The Why question isn't always the...

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Occam’s razor: MH17 and MH370

Last Thursday, the Dutch-led investigation into the downing of MH17 stated that a Russian Buk missile from the 53rd Brigade in Kursk was responsible, and beyond any reasonable doubt. Russia denied and restated their unreasonable explanations. Apart from means and opportunity, motive is essential in any investigation as “everything follows Why”. A few months earlier...

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