Introduction LO: China is well-known for its trade-off between (its promise of) economic progress and (the lack of individual) freedom (eg, AEA-2018, HBR-2015). However, that trade-off has been deteriorating ever since its disastrous zero-Covid policy. Unemployment issues have been worsening due to China’s political targeting of its entrepreneurs (eg, disappearance,...
Love Knowledge Power
Anything given can be taken away
18 Jul, 2024
Several weeks ago, my blog title entered my mind. It refers to all 3 dimensions: Knowledge (eg, health, life), Love (eg, relationships), and Power (eg, leadership). It applies to macro (eg, society) and micro (eg, individual) situations. These macro and micro situations refer to giving and taking. Governments and organisations can give (eg, allowances, benefits,...
Tunnel vision
5 Jul, 2024
Recently, I viewed some (police) detective TV show and suddenly wondered if we all suffer from a tunnel vision in our lives: “a tendency to think only about one thing and to ignore everything else”. The aforementioned Brittanica description suggests that we do indeed. Early 2021, I prepared my diagram below. Let’s suppose that we are inside the orange box, called...
Why do we sabotage our own success?
4 Jul, 2024
My blog title has been borrowed from a recent article in the online magazine Aeon. I did wonder about this question as well, given some of my actions. In my early 2022 blog Self-sabotaging, I had assumed that self-sabotage was about conscious versus subconscious. The problem is that nobody knows what consciousness is because it remains a scientific mystery. The...
“There can be mystery in a win, but not in a loss.”
20 Jun, 2024
According to a recent Nikkei Asia article, my blog title is a quote attributed to a “well-known professional baseball coach”. I tried to find that name but I failed. That Nikkei Asia article is, however, not about sports but about politics (ie, the presidential election results in India). In my view, my blog title is a universal truth in (all) areas like business,...
Is democracy the worst form of government, except for all others?
12 Jun, 2024
China and Russia often criticise and/or ridicule Western democracy (eg, recent Bloomberg article following Trump’s felony conviction). The surge in Western nationalism is somewhat related to that criticism. In my view, it’s (indeed) rather easy to criticise democracy but how about its alternatives?? On 11 November 1947, Winston Churchill (1874-1965) made the...
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