Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Communication vs Language

The rollercoaster of solitude and loneliness (7)

I’m in a new phase of my rollercoaster of solitude and loneliness. I failed to see this coming, despite part 6 of this blog series from October 2024. My comforting feeing of solitude seems to have vanished into thin air. Feelings of (temporary) loneliness have replaced my solitude. I can hardly remember such feelings. I’m not sure if I ever experienced those...

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The global “youth scarcity” crisis (Axios)

Intro LO: The Axios Macro article below on demographics is a must-read. Actually, China is already facing this “youth scarcity” crisis and millions of young Chinese already refuse to contribute to the pensions for the elderly (eg, Bloomberg, 10 January 2025). The main solution appears simple but is actually complex: import of foreign labour to fill vacant domestic...

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Einde van een tijdperk

Sinds kort heb ik geen vaste telefoon meer. De besparing is best hoog: 4,25 euro per maand voor iets dat - noch door anderen, noch door mijzelf - werd gebruikt. Recente artikelen (o.a. NOS, NU, BnnVara) brachten me op dat idee. “Minder dan de helft van de Nederlandse huishoudens heeft nog een vast telefonieabonnement, concludeert de Autoriteit Consument & Markt....

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A Nation gets the Leader it deserves

Today, the 2024 US presidential election will be held. My blog is not about its outcome, nor about my (current) prediction. My blog is about a topic I've used before: A Nation gets the Leader it deserves (eg, LinkedIn). Alternatively: “Every country has the government it deserves.” A phrase by the French philosopher Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821) Why do both phrases...

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Birds of a feather flock together

Recently, Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant published an article that caught my curiosity and my interest: How do I step outside my bubble more often? My question is/was simple: do I need, want, or believe in this?? Hence, I asked my girlfriend. She was also skeptical. Perhaps given our differences. The ancient Dutch saying is "soort zoekt soort", which translates like...

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Is the Universe alive?

A recent Nature article, Black hole jets on the scale of the cosmic web, makes you wonder if the Universe is “alive” (eg, Phys, Volkskrant). Actually, the question of what is life is a debate within science (eg, ASU, NYT-2024, Templeton). The problem with our current definition of life (eg, eating, digestion, pooping) is that viruses are not included. How can a...

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