Usually, inflation is driven by the demand-side in economics. An increase in demand and a stable supply will cause (consumer) price increases - a.k.a. inflation. Alternatively, a decreasing supply and a stable demand will also cause inflation. Latter happened after the Russian invasion of Ukraine (2022). In 2023, consumer prices were getting back to "normal". Since...
Demographic extinction versus nationalism
7 Mar, 2024
Intro LO: This recent Times article highlights a demographic topic in (very) many countries: declining birth rates that are announcing a declining population (eg, China-FT-2021). South Korea claims it “faces extinction”. That claim makes sense given the numbers in the 3rd paragraph of the article below. The 5th paragraph explains why this demographic issue is (much)...
Powerful women
21 Feb, 2024
Recently, I had a discussion with a female friend. That discussion emerged after I showed my preference for a female political candidate. She replied that she dislikes powerful women. She’s not alone; far from it, actually. Also see my 2023 blog: The enemy of a woman is a woman. A recent Belgian newspaper article wondered whether boys are more conservative than...
22 Jan, 2024
Humans use teaching as the main method for learning (eg, children, schools). Unlearning may not be possible. To forget what we have learned is not similar to unlearning. Forgetting is temporary; unlearning is permanent. Fear can be used as a (human) tool for “unlearning”. However, sometimes fear triggers temptation in some people. Quite often such people long for...
Is DEI an oxymoron?
16 Jan, 2024
Early 2024, Axios published an article that American Companies are backing away from "DEI", which stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. In the view of Axios, DEI has become a “toxic term”. It should be noted that the word Equity refers to “fair treatment” rather than to Shareholders’ Equity, although both seem - loosely - related. DEI may have become a toxic...
NIVEA: Niet Invullen Voor Een Ander
3 Nov, 2023
Jaren geleden leerde ik bovenstaande afkorting (NIVEA) kennen. Waarschijnlijk was ik toen bezig met het beantwoorden van mijn eigen vraag, die ik vlak daarvoor had gesteld. Onze veronderstellingen omtrent de intenties van een (onbekende) ander leiden vaak tot - terechte - irritatie. De afkorting NIVEA speelt vooral tussen onbekenden. Bij bekenden komt het vaak niet...
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