Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Dinosaurs grew stupid over time; humans as well??

Intro LO: A 1 December 2024 SCMP article (see below) caught my immediate interest as I’ve had a similar idea mid 2022 that was based on an earlier idea in my 2018 blog: 2022: Is stupidity the flip side of beliefs? 2018: Knowledge = Power and the Great Filter in civilisations (5) I prefer my 2022 diagram in this specific stupidity context. Source: my 2022 blog...

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Neanderthal kinderen

Intro LO: De locatie (zie foto rechts) verbaasde mij wellicht nog het meest: de Neanderthal kinderen konden overwinteren in Noord Spanje?? Onderstaande klimaat informatie lijkt die mogelijkheid van overwinteren inderdaad te bevestigen. source: Google Maps Source De Meteoblue grafiek (links) suggereert dat het klimaat nauwelijks onder 0 °C (32 °F) komt. Er lijkt dus...

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Did ignorance beat arrogance?

"Ignorance is bliss", according to an 18th-century poem by Thomas Gray. Listening to ignorance can be quite funny, unlike arrogance. Hence, I wonder if the ignorance of the conservative-right has beaten the arrogance of the liberal-left on November 5. To some extent, the same is happening in Europe. The arrogance of the liberal-left manifests itself in topics like...

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Can AI live up to the hype?

Recently, economist Daron Acemoglu and Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology claimed that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can only do 5% of jobs. Bloomberg: “You’re not going to get an economic revolution”. Hence, he fears a “massive crash” in a bubble. I agree. Before his prediction, we had several doomsday predictions by the IMF...

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Neanderthalers waren allesbehalve primitieve holbewoners

Introductie LO: Ik heb relatief vaak geschreven over de Neanderthal en heb nooit geloofd dat ze primitieve holbewoners waren. De reden is eigenlijk vrij simpel: het overleven van IJstijden vergt intelligentie. Het artikel stelt dat "de Neanderthalers bijna 300.000 jaar in Europa geleefd". Andere artikelen stellen dat die periode mogelijk veel langer was: van circa...

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Why a negative mindset?

Yesterday’s blog wondered about the why of a negative mindset. My preliminary thoughts suppose that our beliefs should be the explanation. In my view, human beliefs separate us from all other lifeforms. All lifeforms have needs (eg, food, water). Several lifeforms (ie, animals, humans) have wants (eg, birds cracking nuts). Some animals (eg, elephants, orcas) show...

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