Before doing anything, I first decide if I’m able to. My second consideration is whether I dare to do it (now). My third consideration is whether I’m really willing to do it. When these three hurdles are taken then doing becomes logical and usually right away. No more delays or procrastination. The reverse works differently. People often use the excuse that they...
Integrity vs opportunism
Sinds enige tijd wil een deel van mij contact zoeken met iemand om zaken uit te praten. Telkens kan ik mezelf weerhouden. Ik twijfel over de toegevoegde waarde van dat gesprek. Waarschijnlijk gaan we elkaar (nare) verwijten maken. Die verwijten zijn van (uiterst) persoonlijke aard, en allesbehalve van zakelijke aard. De kans dat die verwijten onze breuk verergeren...
Moral hazard problems
I've always viewed the moral hazard problem as a macro rather than a micro issue (eg, too big to fail, privatizing profits, socializing losses). I was wrong. Recently, I realised I also have a moral hazard problem. I prioritize my integrity over opportunism. Hence, I get less reward by taking less (opportunistic) risk. One could argue I'm walking the moral high...
Bisexuality and trust
Our belief systems are governed by three domains: Love, Knowledge & Power. All three domains have trust issues, like fake news (Knowledge) and lying politicians (Power). The domain that (probably) has most trust issues is Love. How can bisexual people even trust each other?? A 2019 Pew Research Center report appears to confirm those trust issues: Bisexual adults...
How long can this go on?
Today, it's a year ago that Russia invaded Ukraine. It was supposed to be a (very) quick victory; in weeks rather than months. Russia even expected the Ukrainian population to welcome their soldiers. Today, about 97% of the Russian army is in Ukraine and is still struggling to advance (eg, BBC, WSJ). I'm not impartial. I don't even believe in neutrality in this...
I've never written about opportunism, despite mentioning it (eg, my blogs of 2022 and 2016). Opportunism may well explain the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. However, the Russian analysis of (mutual) Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (ie, SWOT) clearly failed (badly). My August blog, Calculating women vs opportunistic men, suggests that opportunism...
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