Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


The Dumbest Trade War in History (WSJ)

Intro LO: On Monday, there was a rare moment: “Trump admits Americans could feel ‘some pain’ from his tariffs, but it will be ‘worth the price’ “ (eg, Forbes, Fortune, the Hill, WaPo). The WSJ article below is about (not) “worth the price”. Next in line are Europe and the UK (eg, BBC, CNBC, EuroNews, the Guardian). The above reminds me of a quote by American...

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BTW verhoging wegens begrotingstekort

“Het kabinet wil het btw-tarief verhogen van 21 procent naar 21,4 procent. Deze verhoging moet voldoende geld opleveren om het begrotingstekort te dichten, nadat het voorstel om de btw op boeken, cultuur en kunst te verhogen eerder geen meerderheid kreeg in de Eerste Kamer.” (BNR, 29 januari 2025) Vanzelfsprekend leidt deze BTW verhoging tot een verhoging van de...

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Trump’s Revolution of Common Sense

It’s easy making fun of Trump’s Revolution of Common Sense. The words common sense hardly match with Trump’s (erratic) attitude, behaviour, and personality. His words often feel like the opposite of common sense. Example #1: Trump has proposed a 10% tariff on all U.S. imports (eg, Reuters, 6 November 2024). That’s a guarantee for a (much) higher American inflation...

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Can arrogance beat ignorance?

Following the stunning loss of Kamala Harris against Donald Trump on 5 November 2024, I wrote my blog: Did ignorance beat arrogance? My answer was an implicit No. The same No applies to my question above. In my view, both arrogance and ignorance can only be defeated by themselves. Hence, a self-inflicted loss by Harris, and a future self-inflicted loss by Trump,...

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The Progressive Moment in Global Politics Is Over (WSJ)

Introduction LO: This Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article (see below) was written before the recent decision of the liberal-left Canadian Prime Minister to resign. His resignation is further evidence of the validity of this WSJ article. In my view, the pendulum in Politics used to be between conservatives (“Right”) and Labour (“Left”) until about 1980. Growing wealth...

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Trump’s import tariffs

Many articles claim that Trump's proposed surge in import tariffs (eg, Canada & Mexico, BRICS nations) will cause a surge in inflation. In and of itself, that (primary) argument is true. However, such articles often ignore its secondary impact, on demand & supply. Rising inflation will only be relevant for goods & services that we need. Items that we...

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