In (legal) contracts and/or Service Level Agreements (SLA’s), an opt-out condition might well be its most overlooked feature. In our lives, others are responsible for our opt-in (eg, parents), and our opt-out (eg, euthanasia). In most countries, opting-out is (very) difficult - or just impossible - once you choose to follow the legal means (eg, euthanasia in the...
Wealth is a poor metric for wisdom
My blog title is borrowed from a recent PS article that caught my interest. Wealth has always been a metric for Power. It’s very hard to imagine that Big Tech billionaires could - let alone would - be considered a metric for wisdom. Nevertheless, the quote below suggests differently. “In an America where wealth has increasingly become the primary source of social...
Kun je genezen van een burn-out?
Als ervaringsdeskundige (2013-14) ben ik van mening dat je niet kunt genezen van een burn-out. In principe zie je niets aan die mensen tenzij jouw gedrag hen provoceert. Boosheid is dan een van de gevolgen. Helaas heb ik dat zelf ook meegemaakt bij een soort van ramptoerisme tijdens mijn burn-out. De huidige terugval van Pieter Omtzigt zag ik daarom al lang geleden...
Making errors: business vs politics
Last Sunday's blog, Panic in Beijing and its original Bloomberg article, made me realize that there is a difference between business and politics that is easily overlooked. Unlike businessmen, politicians are not allowed to make serious errors, especially in countries like China. Despite that seeing is believing, (communist) ideology is (much) stronger than seeing....
What to do when there’s no solution or alternative?
I have a dilemma and don't really know what to do besides my acceptance of a certain decision. The how of that decision is the center of my dilemma. I fail to see a solution - or an alternative - for that how. I'm afraid that the how will cause hurt and pain and possibly even regret and/or remorse. Strictly speaking, the model of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004)...
World of Debt
My blog title has been borrowed from a recent Project Syndicate article: A World of Debt. Early 2018, I published my blog Deficits, Losses, and (Government) Debt. My 2018 diagram (obviously) excluded the impact of the 2019-2023 pandemic, which created lots of new government debt. With hindsight, my 2018 diagram contained too much and too little information. Hence,...
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