Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Can you heal from a burn-out?

I suppose my situation contradicts my gut-feeling. Technically, I’m healed from my 2013 burn-out. Usually, I apply an 18-month healing period. My gut-feeling, however, says you cannot really heal from it. You carry it with you. In my view, a burn-out represents a breakdown of the Body, Mind & Soul triangle in our life. For all of us, that triangle is (very)...

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How to deal with someone’s denial

"Overcoming denial often depends on the nature of the problem. People often come to terms with the reality of a situation on their own given time and support." (source). I suppose this answer is valid. Still, by not challenging someone's denial, it may/will feel like denying someone's denial. In my past, I would confront someone's denial. I used to believe that...

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While doing the final edit of my recent blog, Damaged goods (2), I wondered about the word healing. Healing is (much) easier said than done. Why is it necessary? What is healing? How to get there? When is it finalised? I hope my blog will give (you) some answers to those questions. I think, feel and believe that the Why is about restoring the balance & symmetry...

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Damaged goods (2)

Late 2015, I published my blog Damaged goods. Recently, I noticed a Tiny Buddha post: you'll keep meeting the same person in different bodies until you learn the lesson. With hindsight, this feels valid in my situation. However, which lesson should I learn? The picture at the right?? a Tiny Buddha post source I also consider myself as damaged goods. The main...

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“Are you alright?”

Her question was genuine. Yet I did not know how and what to answer. Finally, I answered that I've been asking that same question to myself for quite a long time. I added that I think that I'm okay. I did not add the words feel and believe - this time. Obviously, I could have ignored her question but I didn't. I could use the lousy autumn weather as an excuse for...

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The road to self-love or philautia

Last Thursday morning, Dutch band Rondé was promoting their new single: I'm ready to love myself (see song below). The band's singer was talking about her transformation to self-love (in Greek: philautia). Before, she did not believe in the healing nature of loving yourself. How do you get there? It's important to realise that both love and self-love are output and...

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