Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans


Kun je genezen van een burn-out?

Als ervaringsdeskundige (2013-14) ben ik van mening dat je niet kunt genezen van een burn-out. In principe zie je niets aan die mensen tenzij jouw gedrag hen provoceert. Boosheid is dan een van de gevolgen. Helaas heb ik dat zelf ook meegemaakt bij een soort van ramptoerisme tijdens mijn burn-out. De huidige terugval van Pieter Omtzigt zag ik daarom al lang geleden...

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Why a negative mindset?

Yesterday’s blog wondered about the why of a negative mindset. My preliminary thoughts suppose that our beliefs should be the explanation. In my view, human beliefs separate us from all other lifeforms. All lifeforms have needs (eg, food, water). Several lifeforms (ie, animals, humans) have wants (eg, birds cracking nuts). Some animals (eg, elephants, orcas) show...

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From happy to happiness?!

The question in my blog title needs some elaboration. When we say “I feel happy” or “I’m happy” then we refer to a short-term and positive feeling. In my view, all feelings are short-term. Happiness is supposed to be a long-term and positive state-of-mind. Hence my question: can and/or does happiness actually exist?? My question is rather recent. I suppose my...

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The Running Grave by Robert Galbraith

On 8 February 2024, I finally finished reading this book. I bought that book early October 2023 and started reading immediately. It’s not the number of pages (ie, 945) that caused my immense delay. At times, I’ve almost cursed this book given its topic: an evil and sadistic cult. Most of the book is about that cult. On many days, I was only able to read a few pages....

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Is happiness and satisfaction an obstacle in life?

Recently, I finished (re-)watching the pilot episode of Ally McBeal, an "American legal comedy drama television series" that aired from 1997 until 2002. That episode finished with some thoughts of Ally that felt like an eye-opener to me. These were her exact words; see transcript: "ALLY: The real truth is, I probably don't want to be too happy or content. Because,...

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Why do we compare?

Each day, we compare, whether relevant or not. Some recent blog examples: Is stupidity worse than evil?? and Natural Stupidity vs Artificial Intelligence and inclusivity vs honesty. Without that Big Think article, I would not even have considered a comparison between evil and stupidity. Another example: the almost daily drownings of immigrants, aiming to cross the...

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