Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Guilt & Shame

Let it go …

My title is a common advice by people. I suppose I use that type of advice myself as well. Nevertheless, that advice feels rather useless if and when you receive it yourself. Quite often, the issue - or “problem“ - is time-bound. The very next day, you might have forgotten already. “Firstly, I felt like it was a personal attack. As if the premise of her advice was...

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Victim roles: individual versus collective

Apparently, collective guilt is an issue for Germans and for Russians (eg, German collective guilt, Russians And Collective Guilt). However, it might only be a media and/or a political topic (eg, DW-2019, Hungarian Conservative-2022). At least, guilt is an emotion rather than ratio. How about individual and/or collective victim roles?? “Victim mentality is...

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The psychology of secrets

Introduction LO: I noticed this 2024 British Psychological Society (BPS) article because I was curious about secrets, including the how, what, when, where, who and why of secrets. Actually, the introductory BPS statement feels weird: “In fact, you probably have about 13, five of which you've never told anybody else.” In my view, I have no secrets. Perhaps, my...

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Presumed guilty

In some European countries (eg, Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland), car speeding fines are much higher for rich people (eg, EUR, NBC). The reason is quite simple: rich people need to feel the legal punishment, like poor people always do. What if societies would extend the of the presumption of innocence principle towards an assumption of guilt??...

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Closure comes with a price

Last week, I finally received closure with someone. I lost my anger with that person but gained (brief) sadness. For me, that sadness relates to losing Hope. It's over now. In other situations, the price of closure may relate to Doubt, Fear or Love. Hence, my blog title: Closure comes with a price. In my view, I wasn't looking for closure. I was looking to protect...

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Rutte: anti-Timmermans = winst PVV

Dinsdag publiceerde BNR Nieuwsradio een merkwaardig artikel: Rutte: ‘VVD’ers stemden op PVV uit angst voor overwinning Timmermans’. Ik vraag me af of zijn woorden een echte verdediging zijn voor de nieuwe VVD partijleider. Je kunt er namelijk ook een verhulde aanval in zien. Het waarheidsgehalte van Rutte’s woorden is bovendien minimaal. In zijn eigen tijd was een...

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