Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Grief sadness sorrow

Closure comes with a price

Last week, I finally received closure with someone. I lost my anger with that person but gained (brief) sadness. For me, that sadness relates to losing Hope. It's over now. In other situations, the price of closure may relate to Doubt, Fear or Love. Hence, my blog title: Closure comes with a price. In my view, I wasn't looking for closure. I was looking to protect...

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The magnifying glass

Whenever we look at things from a (long) distance, we are generally just observers, who do not judge. Our attitude changes when we focus on the details of what’s happening. Suddenly, we must judge. Relevant history is suddenly deemed irrelevant. Recently, I heard an interesting related remark on TV in the crime series Lewis, (#8.2 in IMDb; see Se7Ep6). Detective...

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The people we love the most can hurt us the most

A friend says that she envies me for protecting my heart so well. Indeed, it seems that I'm not hurt by the one(s) whom I love the most. Late 2010, I decided to stop my heart from bleeding by building an imaginary sarcophagus around it. Most of the year, it indeed helps me soldiering on. My friend is slowly copying my solution because she fears that the hurting will...

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Grief is just love with no place to go

My blog title is a line stated by actor Alfred Molina in the new Amazon Prime Video crime-noir series: Three Pines (eg, IMDb). Season 1 is about the many missing indigenous women in Canada. The origins of the saying appear to go back to Jamie Anderson (eg, source). His full quote is stated below. source “Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love...

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Fountain of sorrow

I've been overwhelmed by sorrow for most of December. There are several reasons for it. Initially, the song below did not feel appropriate at all because of its full first (chorus) line: "Fountain of sorrow, fountain of light". What does light have to do with (my) sorrow?? Actually, a lot - to my surprise. A 2008 study on The anatomy of sorrow: a spiritual,...

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Sorrow never comes too late and happiness too swiftly flies

My title is borrowed from the 1768 poem Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College by Thomas Gray (1716-1771). I suppose those words express what I've been feeling for some time. I've been entering the doubt-fear phase of our (eternal) cycle of Doubt, Fear, Hope & Love. This poem is famous for its last two lines of its final verse. I have added the third-last...

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