Sta Hungry Stay Foolish

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

A blog by Leon Oudejans

Greater Good

Blinded by ideology

Last week, the blog title above suddenly entered my mind, including the song below. I think, feel and believe that it captures our current times quite well. Indeed, many people appear to be blinded by ideology. I do wonder, however, why pragmatism is becoming a lost art (eg, source). To a large extent, pragmatism is related to concepts like (i) Machiavellianism (ie,...

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Politics, a belief in (in)equality

On March 1, Scientific American published this article: Many Differences between Liberals and Conservatives May Boil Down to One Belief. That topic caught my immediate interest. My blog title summarizes their article in just one line: Politics is a either a belief in equality or in inequality. It took me a while to digest this article because it uses too many words...

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The opposite of the Greater Good theory

Introduction LO: A recent article in The Independent (see below) has enormous potential consequences. What may be good for one person, may well be bad for all other people. One could even argue it is the opposite of the Greater Good theory. A synonym is utilitarianism, "a family of normative ethical theories that prescribe actions that...

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Does gravity affect our micro-macro focus?

Gravity keeps us grounded and prevents us from jumping up high in the air. Could gravity also affect our thinking in a similar way? Many, and perhaps most, people have a micro focus. They look at correctness, at details, at empathy. Nearly all media adopt a micro focus. There is, however, another perspective. On the other side, there is a macro focus. That focus...

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Why is sex not part of the 7 Belief systems?

Last weekend, I received a question: why is sex not part of my concept of the 7 Belief systems? A very interesting question of which I’m not sure that it crossed my mind in 2015. Actually, Love was the 7th and last belief that I defined (my April 2015 blog). It's important to realize that the word sex quite often implies lust and the absence of (romantic) love....

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